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What's new in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1

This ArcGIS 10.3 documentation has been archived and is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated. See the latest documentation.
In this topic

Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1 includes performance, security, and stability enhancements and improved functionality throughout the product. For a list of issues fixed in 10.3.1, see the 10.3.1 Issues Addressed List. For a summary of changes in the software, see the following sections.

Review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.3.1. To review which earlier ArcGIS product versions are compatible with Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1, see Portal compatibility with earlier versions of ArcGIS.

Query and view portal logs using the ArcGIS Portal Directory

Portal for ArcGIS logs events that occur and any errors associated with those events. Events associated with activities such as installing or upgrading, editing your organization, publishing, content and item management, and security workflows are all logged.

At 10.3.1, you can sign in to the ArcGIS Portal Directory as an administrator of your organization to query, view, configure, and delete these logs. The logs will help you identify errors and troubleshoot issues. To get started, see About portal logs.

Create and share three-dimensional content

At ArcGIS 10.3.1, you can create web scenes that contain global basemaps and your own three- and two-dimensional layers.

Create and publish web scenes

You can author and publish 3D maps, known as web scenes, either using ArcGIS Pro or in Portal for ArcGIS. Your web scenes can contain both 2D and 3D data. Web scenes are hosted on your portal and are therefore available for consumption across the ArcGIS platform.

Consume web scenes

You can view web scenes in the scene viewer in the portal website, in browsers, and in desktop applications such as ArcGIS Pro. The scene viewer works in desktop web browsers that support WebGL, a technology for displaying 3D graphics that is integrated into most modern browsers, including Chrome and Firefox.

Share multipatch 3D objects

A new service and portal layer type—a scene service, which is stored in your portal as a scene layer—is available at 10.3.1. Scene services support publishing and consuming large volumes of multipatch features, such as buildings for entire cityscapes. Scene layers are automatically published as this service type when publishing from a scene in ArcGIS Pro.

To publish scene layers, your portal must use ArcGIS Data Store.

Share 3D symbolized points, lines, and polygons

At 10.3.1, 3D points, lines, and polygons can be published as feature layers with associated symbology.

Share elevation surface data

At ArcGIS 10.3.1, a specialized imagery service type was added for publishing elevation surface data. This new image service type leverages a specialized storage mechanism designed specifically to handle tiles of elevation content that need to connect together through multiple levels of detail.

Publish high-resolution elevation data as a specialized image service from ArcMap 10.3.1. The image service must use a Web Mercator spatial reference, and it must be cached. The tile format of the cache must be set to Limited Error Raster Compression (LERC), which is an optimized elevation data compression format. You can then consume the elevation layer inside ArcGIS Pro as an elevation source and publish your web scene from there. You can also add the elevation layer directly to the scene viewer in Portal for ArcGIS.

New functionality for hosted web layers

If your portal's hosting server uses ArcGIS Data Store, you can publish empty hosted feature layers, which are useful when you need to collect data in the field. You can start with an empty feature layer and editors can add features as they make their field observations.

A new option is available on hosted tile layers—offline mode. Enable this on hosted tile layers you want to include in maps that will be taken offline.

Smart mapping

Take advantage of smart mapping defaults and workflows to create useful and attractive maps. Within the map viewer, smart mapping is applied when you change the style of feature layers in your map. Default styles are applied based on the nature of your data and the basemap you are using, and a streamlined, intuitive user interface helps you quickly define how your data is rendered.

  • When you add feature layers that don't have any styling, such as CSV files from your computer, the map viewer analyzes your data and shows you styling suggestions in a new Change Stylepane. You can choose additional options or choose to leave your data unstyled. When you add feature layers you have already styled, the map viewer respects the styling. You can still open Change Style to see suggestions and make additional styling changes to your layer.
  • Use continuous colors for styling numerical and ranked data with color themes. For example, you can show age with a high-to-low theme that uses a continuous light-to-dark color scheme.
  • Use proportional size symbols for styling numerical and ranked data by size. For example, you can show income with a symbol that gets bigger as income increases.
  • Create heat maps when mapping the location of point features. Heat maps use colored areas to represent the density of point features. The colors are most intense where the most points are concentrated together. They are useful when you have too many points to fit comfortably on the map at once, or many of the points are very close together and cannot be easily distinguished. Heat maps calculate and displays the relative density of points on the map as a smoothly varying sets of colors ranging from cool (low density of points) to hot (many points).
  • Set the map viewer to calculate and set the optimal visible range when styling your layer. Alternatively, you can still Set Visibility Range manually if you want to control the scale at which layers appear on the map.
  • Change layer transparency using an intuitive slider.
  • The Change Style pane replaces Change Symbols.

Improvements in the portal website

The following improvements have been made in the portal website:

  • You can add enterprise accounts (individually or in bulk) from a SAML-compliant identity provider or your organization's identity provider. Also, when adding accounts (built-in or enterprise), you can assign accounts to roles with administrative privileges.
  • The buttons in My Content have been streamlined to improve usability. You now access a single Create or Add Item button to create or add content to your portal.
  • Vietnamese and Greek are now available as languages for the portal website. The language you set for the portal determines the user interface as well as the way time, date, and numerical values appear.
  • The profile page has been reorganized to improve readability.
  • The experience for embedding a map has been enhanced. You have more choices for what to include on the map, and the design and workflow have been updated.
  • Driving directions now include a truck-mode option. Truck mode uses roads that are designated as truck routes and avoids residential roads that prohibit trucks. It also accounts for truck speed limits, which may be slower than car speed limits.

Configurable app templates

The following configurable app templates are new in Portal for ArcGIS 10.3.1:

  • Compare Analysis: Compare up to four web maps
  • Directions: Provide turn-by-turn directions to features or a specific destination
  • Edit: A new version of the edit app template, which allows app users to edit layers in the map (10.3.1 version)
  • Maps and Apps Gallery: A gallery application template that provides a single location to access a collection of maps, apps, and other content
  • Map Tools: Includes a toolbar-driven experience
  • Story Map Series: Presents a sequence of maps and other content either as tabs, via a side-accordion control, or as numbered bullets

The following app templates have been enhanced:

  • GeoForm now has support for all layers in the map, multiple attachments and a drop-down for filling out a form.
  • Impact Summary now has support to enrich layers from within the builder.
  • Elevation Profile can now be configured to use a custom elevation profile service.
  • Basic Viewer, Elevation Profile, Filter, Legend, and Simple Map Viewer have enhanced search experiences that allows users to search all currently available resources by default or choose a single resource. The resources could be geocoders configured in an organization's utility services or searchable layers within the map. This enhancement also makes it easier to find locations by latitude and longitude by showing suggestions. For example, if you inadvertently left out a negative sign (-), the results include suggestions that correct the error.

The following app templates have been retired. Use the suggested replacement app templates instead.

Retired app templateInstead, use...


Compare Analysis


The new (10.3.1) Edit app template

Story Map Text and Legend

Story Map Series


Esri does not maintain the code on retired templates, and retired templates are no longer available from the map viewer. However, you can download the source code and API for retired templates, and host them on your own web server. Instructions are included in readme files included with the download file.

Also note that, although the Classic Viewer app template has not been retired, Esri encourages you to use the new Map Tools app template instead when creating new applications.

New functionality in Web AppBuilder for ArcGIS

The following functionality has been added to Web AppBuilder:

  • You can display related records in pop-ups, attribute tables, and query results.
  • Search features based on settings in the map.
  • Set a visible scale range for the map.
  • Use URL parameters to modify the app.
  • About, Time Slider, and Swipe widgets are now available.
  • Enhancements were made for using Web AppBuilder on mobile devices.
  • The Layer List widget now displays table, raster, and image layers.
  • The Chart widget is redesigned to include charting by category, filtering, and aggregation. It includes new chart types and lets you change the chart appearance at runtime.
  • The Query widget displays unique values at runtime and allows string queries to be case insensitive.
  • The GP widget can now be used with geoprocessing services that are added as items to Portal for ArcGIS.
  • You can drag and drop widgets from the placeholders onto the map with resizable panels.
  • Version management has been implemented for apps and widgets.