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What's new in ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Server

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In this topic

ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Server includes stability enhancements and improved functionality throughout the product. For a list of issues that are fixed in 10.3.1, see the 10.3.1 Issues Addressed List. For a summary of changes in the software, see the following sections.

It's recommended that you review the deprecation notice to determine if your hardware and software components are still compatible with version 10.3.1. To review which earlier ArcGIS product versions are compatible with ArcGIS 10.3.1 for Server, see Compatibility of ArcGIS for Server with earlier versions.

Share 3D content using scene services

A scene service is a new type of ArcGIS Server web service originating from a 3D scene in ArcGIS Pro. Scene services (also known as web scene layers) allow you to share 3D content via web scenes to your organization using ArcGIS. Web scenes are similar in concept to web maps. However, instead of being powered by 2D map or feature services, they are powered by 3D scene services and give you access to 3D content originally created in ArcGIS Pro.

For more information, see Scene services.

Customize the behavior of map and image services to execute custom logic

Server object interceptors (SOIs) allow you to intercept requests for existing built-in operations of map and image services. This new feature allows developers to execute custom logic and change the behavior of these services in a way that is seamless to existing clients. These clients may be platform apps such as Collector for ArcGIS or applications built with the ArcGIS API for JavaScript, ArcGIS Runtime SDK, and more. This is in contrast to server object extensions (SOEs), which work by creating new operations rather than overriding existing operations.

To learn more, see About extending services.

Remove load balancing between GIS server machines

In a multiple-machine site, load balancing is handled among all GIS server machines in a single cluster. If your site uses a single cluster, all GIS servers in the site will load balance requests. If your site uses more than one cluster, load balancing is handled among all GIS servers within each cluster.

In large sites with a single cluster, you can now configure your site to remove the load-balancing functionality between GIS servers. This reduces network traffic between machines in the site, reduces load on your network, and helps improve monitoring of GIS servers in your site. For more information, see Remove load balancing between GIS server machines.

Disable Windows Active Directory groups lookup in ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS)

When performing web-tier authentication (Integrated Windows Authentication or PKI) with ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS), the Web Adaptor will look up all Windows Active Directory groups every time a request is sent to your ArcGIS Server site. If your organization has hundreds or thousands of groups, you may see a decrease in performance because of the time it takes to complete the lookup.

If you notice a performance decrease, you can disable Active Directory groups lookup in ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS). See Disable Windows Active Directory groups lookup in ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) for specific instructions.

OGC WCS 2.0.1 support

ArcGIS for Server supports the Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC) Web Coverage Service (WCS) 2.0.1 specification. Esri implementation of the specification exposes several extensions that allow you to work with multidimensional data in OGC client applications. To learn more, see WCS services.

New ArcGIS for Maritime: Server extension

ArcGIS for Maritime: Server allows you to publish, serve, and consume Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) and other S-57 products such as Additional Military Layer (AML) and Inland Electronic Navigational Charts (IENC) over the web. Clients such as ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, and OGC-compliant web applications can consume features and data contained in ENCs and other S-57 products.

New ArcGIS Server on Microsoft Azure implementation

A beta release of ArcGIS Server Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure is now available. ArcGIS Server Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure is a desktop application that allows you to deploy a GIS server or web GIS site on Microsoft Azure virtual machines using ArcGIS Server on Microsoft Azure images. The images are available in the Microsoft Azure Marketplace and contain the 10.3.1 release of ArcGIS for Server, Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Data Store, and ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS).

Changes in ArcGIS Server on Amazon Web Services and ArcGIS Server Cloud Builder on Amazon Web Services

All new Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts use the EC2-VPC platform. To keep in step with Amazon's deployments, ArcGIS 10.3.1 Server Cloud Builder launches all new AWS instances on the EC2-VPC platform. You can still use ArcGIS 10.3.1 Server Cloud Builder to manage existing instances on the EC2-Classic platform and, if your AWS account allows it, launch EC2-Classic instances from images made from the EC2-Classic platform.

Due to changes in the software, you must uninstall your existing ArcGIS Server Cloud Builder on Amazon Web Services installation and install ArcGIS 10.3.1 Server Cloud Builder.