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Accounts used by GeoEvent Server

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Hilfearchiv

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server uses the same two accounts as ArcGIS Server for installation and configuration. The ArcGIS Server account is used to install and run GeoEvent Server. You sign in to ArcGIS GeoEvent Manager using the same credentials that you use to sign into ArcGIS Server Manager. Typically, the ArcGIS Server primary site administrator is used when logging in to the application.

When working with a single machine site that is not federated, you sign in to GeoEvent Manager as an ArcGIS Server user assigned the role of administrator to create, update, and delete elements. When federated, you sign in to GeoEvent Manager as an Enterprise portal administrator. Users who have the publisher role can sign in to GeoEvent Manager but will not have permissions to make changes to configurable elements.

For more information on the accounts used by GeoEvent Server, refer to the following topics:

Data store connections in GeoEvent Server

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server administrators may register server connections to an ArcGIS Enterprise or ArcGIS Online organization. User credentials added to a registered server connection enable access to hosted content items owned by a particular user or content items shared with a named user. A registered server connection's credentials also enable administrative actions such as new feature service publication when the credentials belong to an administrative user.

The key point to understand is that the user credentials added to a registered server connection are not necessarily the same as the administrative account credentials used to sign in to GeoEvent Manager.

For more information on registering data store connections in GeoEvent Server, see Manage data stores.

Federating GeoEvent Server

Federating the ArcGIS Server running GeoEvent Server affects both how you sign in to GeoEvent Manager as well as the default server connection registered with GeoEvent Server.

You sign in to GeoEvent Manager using the same credentials that you use to sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager. Once federated, you can use either the Portal for ArcGIS initial administrator account or any named user assigned the Creator user type and Administrator role. For more information on Enterprise portal user types and roles, see user types, roles, and privileges.

Prior to federation, the GeoEvent Server default server connection addresses the ArcGIS Server licensed and running GeoEvent Server. Once federated the default server connection changes from an ArcGIS Server type connection to an ArcGIS Enterprise type connection. With this change, the registered server connection now addresses the Enterprise portal with which the ArcGIS Server is federated.

The implications of this simple change can be significant. Suppose you have deployed the recommended base ArcGIS Enterprise on one machine with an ArcGIS Server licensed as a GIS Server and configured as the Enterprise portal's hosting server. On a second machine, you have deployed a separate ArcGIS Server licensed as a GeoEvent Server. Once federated with the Enterprise portal, using the default server connection registered with GeoEvent Server to publish a new hosted feature layer will create a feature service in the Enterprise portal's hosting server's REST Services Directory—not the REST Services Directory of the ArcGIS Server used to run GeoEvent Server.

For more information on federating GeoEvent Server with an Enterprise portal, refer to the topics below: