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Components, server roles, capabilities, and licensing

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Hilfearchiv

ArcGIS GeoEvent Server is a server licensing role of the ArcGIS Server component in ArcGIS Enterprise. GeoEvent Server can be deployed alongside other ArcGIS Enterprise components, server licensing roles, and feature capabilities. An ArcGIS Enterprise license is required to obtain a GeoEvent Server license. ArcGIS GeoEvent Server leverages component functionality from ArcGIS Enterprise while at the same time enabling real-time capabilities for ArcGIS Enterprise. GeoEvent Server relies on the ArcGIS Server component framework. ArcGIS Server must be installed on a machine before GeoEvent Server can be installed.

It is expected that each machine with ArcGIS Server installed will be licensed for a single server role, for example, as a GIS Server. You can also license an ArcGIS Server machine as an advanced server role, for example, as a GeoEvent Server. Alternatively, you can license an ArcGIS Server machine for multiple server roles, for example, as both a GIS Server and a GeoEvent Server. This type of licensing may be necessary for enabling real-time capabilities and stream service publication. Note that dual role licensing may run counter to principles of workflow separation as described in the ArcGIS Architecture Center.

Spatiotemporal big data store

The spatiotemporal big data store is a data store type available in ArcGIS Data Store. When installing or configuring ArcGIS Data Store, you can enable the spatiotemporal big data store. Enable the spatiotemporal big data store on a separate machine. For example, a typical deployment is to install the components of ArcGIS Enterprise (Portal for ArcGIS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcGIS Data Store) on one machine. ArcGIS Server is typically licensed as a GIS Server and Data Store configured to provide a relational database ArcGIS Server uses as its managed geodatabase while fulfilling the role of a hosting server for the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

On a second machine, typically, you install ArcGIS Data Store and configure the spatiotemporal big data store. Part of configuring the spatiotemporal big data store is registering it with the ArcGIS Enterprise portal's hosting server.

On a third machine, you can install ArcGIS Server, licensing the deployment with an ArcGIS GeoEvent Server license, and then install GeoEvent Server (licensing the second installation with the same GeoEvent Server license). This limits the ArcGIS Server role to support GeoEvent Server, leaving open the possibility the server can be federated with the ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

ArcGIS releases

Using the same ArcGIS software release across all machines in your enterprise GIS is recommended. However, there may be times when upgrading ArcGIS GeoEvent Server to a newer release could be beneficial while the rest of your enterprise GIS remains at a previous release. When considering breaking release parity between GeoEvent Server and the rest of your enterprise GIS, there are several things to consider.

ArcGIS Enterprise

Most features in ArcGIS Enterprise are backward and forward compatible. So upgrading just ArcGIS GeoEvent Server to a new version does not impact most configurations. There are two exceptions that require version parity between GeoEvent Server and the rest of the enterprise GIS including the following:

  • Connections to the spatiotemporal big data store. If you are using the spatiotemporal big data store outputs or any related functionality in GeoEvent Server, the releases of ArcGIS GeoEvent Server and ArcGIS Data Store must be the same.
  • Advanced functionality available in ArcGIS Pro may not be available (for example, render controls, stream layer controls, and more) if GeoEvent Server is not at the latest release.

Other things to consider include the following:

  • Releases of ArcGIS Server and ArcGIS GeoEvent Server must be the same.
  • GeoEvent Server can work with components of ArcGIS Enterprise at older releases; however, integration is limited to RESTful interfaces (for example, map and feature services) and you cannot federate the latest release of GeoEvent Server with an older ArcGIS Enterprise portal.

Custom GeoEvent Server components

Custom components created using the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server SDK do not need to be updated to match the release of GeoEvent Server. Typically, once a custom component is compiled and deployed, it does not need to be modified or recompiled when GeoEvent Server is upgraded. This simplifies configuration and management of custom components. This is true for any component that was created and compiled at GeoEvent Server SDK version 10.4 or later.

Custom components compiled against the GeoEvent Server SDK version 10.3.1 or earlier must be recompiled to be compatible with GeoEvent Server 10.4 or later. When choosing a version to compile your custom components against, start with the GeoEvent Server SDK version 10.4. The SDK version a custom component is compiled against must only be incremented when issues are observed.