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Update a Feature in a Spatiotemporal Big Data Store

ArcGIS 11.4  | |  Hilfearchiv

The Update a Feature in a Spatiotemporal Big Data Store output connector can be used to update feature records in a spatiotemporal big data store with attributes obtained from processed event records. This type of connector only supports updating existing feature records in hosted map and feature services published to an ArcGIS Enterprise portal whose hosting server has a registered spatiotemporal big data store—a data store type available with ArcGIS Data Store.

Client web mapping applications access feature records stored in a spatiotemporal big data store through hosted map and feature services that offer data aggregation and visualization capabilities specific to this type of enterprise geodatabase. For information about how specific data aggregation capabilities are configured, see Aggregation Renderer Map Service Specification.

Event records routed to this output connector should have an associated GeoEvent Definition with an attribute field tagged TRACK_ID. The output connector will use the attribute value from this tagged field to match the attribute value taken from the event record's unique feature identifier field value to identify an existing feature record to update. If an event record does not have a field tagged TRACK_ID, or the value from the tagged field cannot be matched to an existing feature record, a new feature record will be created. This output connector assumes a one-to-one relationship between processed event records and existing feature records. If multiple feature records exist whose attribute values in the specified unique feature identifier field match the value in a processed event record's tagged TRACK_ID field, feature records may be inconsistently or incorrectly updated.

Usage notes

Keep the following in mind when working with the Update a Feature in a Spatiotemporal Big Data Store output connector:

  • This output connector supports the update of feature records in a spatiotemporal big data store enterprise geodatabase.
  • The outbound connector pairs a No Operation outbound adapter with the Spatiotemporal Big Data Store outbound transport. All event record formatting, caching, enterprise geodatabase connection, and feature creation operations are managed by the outbound transport.
  • Client web mapping applications access feature records stored in a spatiotemporal big data store through hosted map and feature services.
  • ArcGIS GeoEvent Server must have a registered server connection whose type is ArcGIS Enterprise, also known as a portal type connection, to obtain connection information from an ArcGIS Enterprise portal's registered spatiotemporal big data store. A direct connection is made from GeoEvent Server to the spatiotemporal big data store enterprise geodatabase to add or update feature records in a spatiotemporal big data store.
  • The Register ArcGIS Server capability, available when configuring a new output, allows you to register a connection to a stand-alone ArcGIS Server installation, an ArcGIS Enterprisehosting server, or the hosting server used by your ArcGIS Onlineorganization. Only an ArcGIS Enterprise type connection, however, will allow the output connector to interface with a spatiotemporal big data store.
  • The Create Data Source capability, available when configuring a new output, allows you to create a spatiotemporal big data store data source. As with publishing a new feature service, the ability to create a new data source requires an existing GeoEvent Definition that reflects the attribute fields and schema you want feature records to exhibit. Note that the GeoEvent Definition you use must honor restrictions imposed by this type of enterprise geodatabase, and the data source schema cannot be changed once it has been created. Unlike traditional map or feature services, multiple hosted map and feature services can be published that use the same spatiotemporal big data store data source. These hosted map or feature services provide unique data aggregation and visualization capabilities as well as RESTful access to the feature records held in the spatiotemporal big data store.
  • Any spatiotemporal big data store data source you create using GeoEvent Manager will initially be empty. Use GeoEvent Server to add or update feature records in the data source with data from real-time feeds processed through a GeoEvent Service.
  • A spatiotemporal big data store data source cannot be created for an ArcGIS Online organization or an ArcGIS Server that is not an ArcGIS Enterprise portal's hosting server. For more information about working with the spatiotemporal big data store in GeoEvent Server, see the Spatiotemporal Big Data Store Tutorial.


The following are the parameters for the Update a Feature in a Spatiotemporal Big Data Store output connector:



A descriptive name for the output connector used for reference in GeoEvent Manager.

GeoEvent Definition

The name of an existing GeoEvent Definition to use when adapting received data to create event data for processing by a GeoEvent Service.

The schema of the GeoEvent Definition specified must mirror the schema of the spatiotemporal big data store data source. Any fields whose name has changed (field names are case sensitive) will cause the Spatiotemporal Big Data Store outbound transport to log a warning that the specified GeoEvent Definition is incompatible with the data source. When processed event records are sent to the output, an error message will likely be either logged or displayed by the output connector that one or more expected attribute fields are missing. Event records will not be added or updated in the spatiotemporal big data store data source until the specified GeoEvent Definition correctly represents all expected attribute names. This includes capitalization errors such as Geometry instead of geometry.

Registered server connection

The ArcGIS Enterprise connection registered with ArcGIS GeoEvent Server as a data store. The ArcGIS Enterprise connection must have a hosting server configured with the ArcGIS Data Store enabled as a spatiotemporal big data store. Registered server connections cache information about map/feature services, their layers, and layer properties.

Data Source Name

The name of the data source in the spatiotemporal big data store to which processed event records will be saved as feature records.

Unique Feature Identifier Field

The attribute field in the spatiotemporal big data store's data source that contains a unique feature identifier for a sensor or trackable asset. When searching to identify a feature record to update, this output connector will look for a feature record whose Unique Feature Identifier Field value exactly matches the value taken from a processed event record's field bearing the TRACK_ID tag.

If an event record either does not have a field tagged with the TRACK_ID tag, or the value in the tagged field cannot be found in an existing feature record's Unique Feature Identifier Field value, a new feature record will be created. As future event records are processed, the record created should be updated since it now exists in the data source with a unique feature identifier.

This output connector assumes a one-to-one relationship between processed event records and existing feature records. If multiple feature records exist whose Unique Feature Identifier Field values match the value in a processed event record's tagged TRACK_ID field, feature records may be inconsistently or incorrectly updated.


The parameter is required to update feature records in the spatiotemporal big data store. Ensure that the GeoEvent Definition has an attribute field tagged with the TRACK_ID tag and that attribute values of this field match the value of an existing feature record's unique feature identifier.

Flush Interval (milliseconds)

Specifies how often (in milliseconds) feature records will be updated in the designated spatiotemporal big data store data source. The default is 1000 milliseconds, which means processed event records will be updated in the data source every second.

Maximum Features Per Transaction

The maximum number of records to include in any single feature service request to update feature records. If the outputs cache contains more than the specified maximum number of records, multiple requests will be made until the outputs cache has been emptied. The default is 1000.

It is recommended that you balance the size and complexity of each event record against the number of event records processed each second. When event records are particularly large, with many attribute fields or large complex geometry objects, reduce the value to avoid sending requests larger than a feature service can handle. However, depending on the velocity and volume of event records being processed each second, setting a value too low could result in an overwhelming number of transaction requests.

Write Concurrency Level

Specifies the number of concurrent writers (or threads) that will be writing in parallel when sending records to the spatiotemporal big data store. The spatiotemporal big data store is capable of handling multiple threads; increased throughput can be achieved by adjusting the write concurrency level. The default is 3.

The effectiveness of the Write Concurrency Level parameter depends on a multitude of factors such as the volume of data being written, the size of each event record, the speed of the network, and the compute capacity of each machine. While adjusting this parameter can result in improved event record throughput, it should not be casually changed without considering the aforementioned factors. Settings specified for Flush Interval and Maximum Features Per Transaction should also be considered.

In diesem Thema
  1. Usage notes
  2. Parameters