You can install ArcGIS GeoEvent Server without a user interface by running the setup using Windows Installer command line parameters. Silently installing GeoEvent Server requires you to manually authorize the software. The steps below guide you through authorizing GeoEvent Server and installing silently.
Installation prerequisites include the following:
- Obtain an authorization file for the machine on which you are installing GeoEvent Server.
- Modify your firewall to allow communication on the ports used by GeoEvent Server.
- Verify that your site meets the system requirements.
- Log in as a user with administrative privileges.
- Open a command prompt.
- To authorize GeoEvent Server silently, run the following command, editing the command line where necessary to reflect the authorization file location and authorization method:
<ArcGIS Server install directory>\tools\SoftwareAuthorization\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /S /Ver <ARCGIS_VERSION_NUMBER> /LIF <path to .prvc authorization file>authorizationfile.prvc
- Run one of the following commands depending on how you are installing:
- Install with an ArcGIS Server account password.
Provide a PASSWORD property to specify the password:
<path to ArcGIS GeoEvent Server setup>\setup.exe /qb PASSWORD=<arcgis server account password>
For example:
\\machinename\ArcGIS_GeoEvent_Server\setup.exe /qb PASSWORD=my.arcgis.server.password
The silent installation will fail if the password is incorrect or not provided. However, if ArcGIS Server is running on a system service account (for example, Local System), you do not have to provide a password.
When upgrading from a 10.x version to GeoEvent Server 11.4, your existing GeoEvent Server site configuration is not automatically upgraded during the installation. You need to manually import your configuration file after successful completion of the upgrade. To acknowledge that you understand this change as part of the silent installation, you must specify userbackupconfig=yes following Setup.exe. For more information about exporting and importing a site configuration file, see Back up and restore your GeoEvent Server site configuration.
- Install using a configuration file created by an ArcGIS Server setup.
Provide a CONFIGPATH property to specify the server configuration file that will be used to configure the ArcGIS Server account. Server configuration files are created by exporting a server configuration file when installing ArcGIS Server (earlier installations or from other machines):
<path to ArcGIS GeoEvent Server setup>\setup.exe /qb CONFIGPATH=<full path and name of the server configuration file>
For example:
c:\GeoEvent\setup.exe /qb CONFIGPATH=c:\Server_Config.xml
If both the configuration file and password are provided, the setup uses the password from the configuration file (and ignore the provided password).
- Install with an ArcGIS Server account password.
Proceed to Mark the self-signed GeoEvent Server certificate as trusted by Internet Explorer, an optional workflow.