What's new

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.2)    |

The ArcGIS Experience Builder update includes new widgets, new templates, and more widget settings. Some of the highlights are listed below.

  • Accessibility—Expands accessibility features, including support for screen readers and keyboard navigation.
  • Builder—Adds breadcrumb navigational aids, which appear at the bottom left of the builder when you select a widget. The breadcrumbs tell you if the selected widget is contained in any other widgets, blocks, or screen groups.
  • Data actions—Adds two new data actions: Set filter and Add to map. Additionally, you can now use the Zoom to, Pan to, and View in table actions to view all records or selected records with some widgets. View a complete table of data actions and their capabilities.
  • Date picker—You can now scroll through the year drop-down list. The Filter, Query, List, and Timeline widgets, data source settings, and the new Set filter data action all use the date picker.
  • Locales—Adds support for Austrian German (de-at).
  • Message actions—Adds three new message actions for creating interactions between widgets. You can use the Add to map action to make a Map widget automatically display any layers added at run time with the Add Data widget. You can use the Select line action to make the Elevation Profile widget generate a profile for a selected line feature. You can use the Select feature action to make the Business Analyst widget run an infographic for a selected record.
  • Sharing—Members of other organizations who have access to your content via distributed collaboration cannot make any edits to your experiences and templates. When an app or template is shared via distributed collaboration, it is available as view-only unless it is shared through other means. Additionally, public users can no longer generate a template of a publicly shared app using the app's AppID. Only app owners and organization administrators can generate templates and share them with other users.
  • Templates—Adds the Blank window template, the Elevate multi-page template, the Frame scrolling page template, two new full-screen page templates (Multiverse and Pamphlet), and four new grid page templates (Collage, Leaflet, Mapflyer, and Avatarboard). You can find these new default templates by looking for the New badge on their thumbnails in the Templates gallery. All templates created by Esri have an official Esri badge.
  • URL parameters—Adds the disable_window_focus parameter, which you can use to stop an app from automatically jumping or scrolling to a window, such as a splash window. This parameter is appropriate for apps that are embedded in other web pages, where you don't want the app to pull focus unexpectedly.


Other improvements include the following new and updated widgets:

  • Add Data widget (new)—Allows users to temporarily add data sources to an app at run time. Users can add data via ArcGIS content, URL, or local storage.
  • Basemap Gallery widget (new)—Connects to a Map widget and adds a panel for changing the map's basemap. The widget can synchronize with your organization's basemap settings, or you can choose which basemaps to include.
  • Business Analyst widget (new)—Allows users to visualize key indicators and information about specific locations using interactive infographics made with ArcGIS Business Analyst.
  • Swipe widget (new)—Allows you to compare different layers and maps by moving, or swiping, a divider across the map.
  • 3D Toolbox widget—Adds the slice tool, which you can use to reveal obstructed features with a moveable rectangular plane that can block out certain layers.
  • Coordinates widget—Adds two new options for display units: Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) and United States National Grid (USNG).
  • Chart widget—Supports histogram charts. Scatter plots are no longer limited by the maxRecordCount of input data. Instead, the limit is now 10,000 data points. After 10,000 data points, the scatter plot aggregates the data. Additionally, when creating a line or area chart with a date field, you can now add bins based on time intervals.
  • Draw widget—You can now choose the number of decimal places for measurements associated with points, lines (including perimeters), and areas.
  • Edit widget—If you choose Geometry and attribute mode and connect the widget to a map, you can now turn off attribute and geometry editing for specific layers. You can use this new feature to allow attribute-only updates for some layers and geometry-only updates for other layers.
  • Elevation Profile widget—You can now display elevation profile lines for 3D mesh layers. You can use the new Select line message action to make the widget generate a profile for a selected line feature, such as a trail or road. You can display the elevation of intersecting features along a selected or drawn profile, define a buffer to include intersecting features within a distance of the profile on the map, and export the data for each profile and the intersecting layers. Also, the widget now generates an output data source that other widgets can use. For example, you can make a Text widget display a profile's maximum elevation value and have the value dynamically change whenever a new profile is generated.
  • Fly Controller widget—You can now set initial rotate and fly speeds in the widget's settings.
  • Grid widget—Adds new buttons to the menus that appear when you select a grid row, grid column, or nested widget in the Page panel's outline and click the More button. Grid rows and grid columns now have the Distribute space horizontally and Distribute space vertically buttons, respectively. If a row or column makes up a tab, you also have the option to rename the row or column. Individual widgets contained in a Grid widget have the Split horizontally and Split vertically buttons on the More menu. Also, you can now change the color of the padding spaces around the inner edges of the widget. All these updates also apply to grid pages.
  • List widget—Now automatically scrolls to records selected from URL parameters.
  • Map widget—This update includes major performance enhancements. Previously, when you linked two Map widgets with the Extent changes trigger and the Zoom to and Pan to message actions, one map would take a moment to catch up when you changed the extent of the other. Now, synchronized extent changes happen simultaneously. For web maps, the rotate behavior is now also included in synchronized Zoom to extent changes. For web scenes, the rotate and tilt behaviors are included. Additionally, the Map widget now hides tools from its user interface depending on the widget's height to make the widget more responsive to medium and small screen devices.
  • Map Layers widget—You can use the new Customize layers setting to hide layers from the widget at run time. The widget now supports the View in table and Export data actions. Also, you can now display a legend for each layer and swap the visibility icons for check boxes.
  • Placeholder widget—The widget's settings now include all of the style settings common to all other widgets. Also, you can now add every widget to a Placeholder widget.
  • Query widget—When you choose Multipage for the Paging style value, you can now define the number of records that display per page. This number can be no less that 10 and no greater than 1,000. At run time, users can choose how many results to display per page using a drop-down menu or by typing a number. The drop-down menu is populated with values equal to 100 percent, 50 percent, and 33 percent of the number you provide.
  • Search widget—The widget no longer automatically filters layer sources by the search criteria. You can now turn this behavior on or off in the widget's settings. Search suggestions are no longer filtered by search results, meaning if you type in the search box after already doing a search, you see all expected suggestions. Also, if you add an organization-shared utility service as a locator source, the widget can now automatically populate the locator source's Label and Hint text.
  • Section widget—You can now set icons for individual views.
  • Share widget—In Inline mode, you can choose to show or hide media labels. If you show media labels, you can now change their font color.
  • Survey widget—In addition to maps, users can now select a feature in other widget (such as tables and lists) to have the feature's geometry and attributes populate survey questions. To do this, the Survey widget must be connected to the same data source as the other widgets.
  • Table widget—Adds formatting options for sheet headers. You can now apply bold formatting to a sheet's header text, change the text's font color, change the font size in pixels (px), and choose the header background color.
  • Timeline widget—If you choose to customize time settings, you can now set a default play speed in the Configure time panel of the widget's settings.
  • Views Navigation widget—With the Tab default, Tab underline, and Tab pills styles, you can now show each view's icon and change the icons' color and size. With the Arrow 1 and Arrow 3 styles, you can now change the font color of the pagination text.
  • Widget Controller widget—Previously, when opened, the panels of widgets in the widget controller appeared floating next to the controller, anchored to each widget's icon. With the new Widget panel arrangement setting, you can now choose to have widget panels appear floating, like before, or open in a fixed position anywhere on the canvas. You can change the fixed area's position, size, and offset from the x- and y-axes. You can also add animations.

In this topic
  1. Widgets