Coordinate Conversion widget

ArcGIS Enterprise (11.3)    |

It's common for analysts to work across various systems that use different coordinate systems to pinpoint places on the earth. For example, one system may use decimal degrees (DD) and another system may require the same location to be specified in Military Grid Reference System (MGRS) coordinates. The Coordinate Conversion widget allows you to input coordinates using one coordinate system and output to different coordinate systems using multiple notation formats. Another capability of this widget is to geocode and reverse geocode a captured point on the map.


Use this widget to support app design requirements such as the following:

  • You want to allow users to click a location on a map to perform a simple conversion of coordinates.
  • For an app without a map, you want to allow users to manually provide known coordinates to convert to another format.
  • You want to allow users to type known coordinates in the input box to place a symbol on the map at that location.
  • You want to offer a way for users to copy output coordinates for use in other systems.

Usage notes

When you add the Coordinate Conversion widget to a page, you can configure it to reference a map. Without a map, users can manually enter coordinates or an address in the widget to convert coordinates to the selected output notation. To enter an address, users can type in the search box and press Enter or choose from a list of suggestions that appear based on matching records.

When you include this widget in an app, it provides users with the following tools and options:

  • Add Point—Click the map to capture coordinates on a connected map.
  • Copy All—Copy all output notation to the operating system's clipboard so it can be pasted into an external application such as Notepad.
  • Zoom—Zoom to the manually supplied or captured coordinates on the map in the input location.
  • Input Format Settings—Reconfigure the input notation and apply a custom format for how captured coordinates will be displayed. DD is the default input notation.
  • Add Conversion—Create a new output notation with a custom format.

The following functions are available in the output notation section:

  • Output Format Settings—Change the title of the output notation and supply a custom format for how to display coordinates.
  • Copy—Copy the coordinate to the clipboard.
  • Expand Output—Display coordinates as individual parts to allow copying each separately (such as only the Latitude coordinate for Lat/Lon).
  • Remove Coordinate—Remove a notation from the list of output notations.


The Coordinate Conversion widget includes the following settings:

  • Select a map—Associate the widget with an active map. Only one map can be referenced.
  • Input settings—Set a default coordinate and display format for the input section of the widget.
    • Decimal Degrees (DD) is set by default.
    • The input coordinate displays the location that the user clicks on a map.
    • The displayed coordinates can be customized to user specifications, such as adding spaces and characters.
  • Output settings—Select the output coordinate formats for the output section of the widget. You can also customize the display format, such as adding spaces and characters. The following output notations are supported:
    • Degree-based formats
    • Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
    • United States National Grid (USNG)
    • Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
  • Address settings—If you are including Address as an input option and you choose not to use the default locator (ArcGIS World Geocoding Service), specify a custom locator.
  • General settings—Select a marker symbol for the map point tool, which allows users to click the map to place a point using this symbol. Specify the scale to zoom the map to when a point is clicked on the connected map.