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00016: The option to not rotate marker symbols with the data frame is not supported

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In this topic

On this computer, the Advanced ArcMap Settings option Rotate marker symbols with dataframe is turned off. Advanced ArcMap configurations are not supported for basemap layers and map services.


In the Advanced ArcMap Settings program, check the Rotate marker symbols with dataframe option. Follow these steps:

  1. Close ArcMap and navigate to <install drive>:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.1\Utilities.
  2. Double-click the application named AdvancedArcMapSettings.
  3. Under the Dataframe tab, check the box labeled Rotate marker symbols with dataframe.
  4. Click Apply. The error is repaired.

The default ArcMap setting is that the check box for this setting is checked.

More information

Some ArcMap users will make changes to advanced ArcMap settings to support various custom mapping workflows. To support this, a special program is included with ArcGIS for managing custom ArcMap settings. This program, named AdvancedArcMapSettings.exe, is contained in the ArcGIS Utilities folder found at <install drive>:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.1\Utilities.