Find and run jobs

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Complete the steps in the sections below to find and run jobs in the Workflow Manager web app.

Find jobs

The Work page provides access to all jobs in a workflow item. Jobs assigned to you, your groups, and all users can be accessed using the search tabs and filters. The jobs are displayed based on the chosen search tab and filter. You can also search for specific jobs using the Custom Search text box.

Search using the tabs and filters

Complete these steps to search for jobs using the tabs and filters on the Work page:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Work tab.

    The Work page appears.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, the Work tab is not available.

  3. Click a search tab on the search bar.
  4. Optionally, if there's more than one search result, click one of the following filters:
    • All—Displays all open jobs
    • High Priority—Displays open jobs that are high priority
    • New—Displays jobs created in the last 24 hours
    • Overdue—Displays jobs that are past their due date
  5. Optionally, click a field header in the job list to sort the results in ascending or descending order.

    You can also hold the Ctrl key and click multiple field headers to sort by multiple fields and change between ascending to descending order.

  6. If you have sufficient privileges, click a job and expand the Details panel to show more information about the job and to do the following:
    • Click the Edit Job Details button Edit Job Details to update job properties.
    • Click the Diagram & Map tab Diagram & Map to show the job's location on a map and to show the workflow diagram.
    • Click the Attachments tab Attachments to show and manage job attachments.

Search using a keyword or SQL expression

Complete these steps to search for jobs using a keyword:

  1. Access the Workflow Manager web app.
  2. Click the Work tab.

    The Work page appears.


    If you don’t have sufficient privileges, the Work tab is not available.

  3. Click Custom Search.

    The Search Jobs text box appears.

  4. Type a keyword or an SQL expression in the Search Jobs text box.

    You can also click the Search Jobs drop-down arrow to show a list of previous custom searches that were performed during the current session.

  5. Press Enter.

    Search results appear on the Work page in the job list.

  6. Optionally, if there's more than one search result, click one of the following filters:
    • All—Displays all open jobs
    • High Priority—Displays open jobs that are high priority
    • New—Displays jobs created in the last 24 hours
    • Overdue—Displays jobs that are past their due date
  7. Optionally, if you have sufficient privileges, click a job and expand the Details panel to show more information about the job and do the following:
    • Click the Edit Job Details button Edit Job Details to update job properties.
    • Click the Diagram & Map tab Diagram & Map to show the job's location on a map and to show the workflow diagram.
    • Click the Attachments tab Attachments to show and manage job attachments.

Run jobs

The job list on the Work page allows you to interact with jobs and contains the following information by default:

  • Assignment—The username or group to which the step is assigned
  • Job—The name of the job
  • Step—The current step or steps for the job
  • Type—The name of the job template from which the job was created
  • Priority—The level of importance assigned to the work to be completed as part of the job
  • Due—The date the job is scheduled to be completed
  • Actions—The available actions for the job's active step or steps

You can run a step that is assigned to you or your group by clicking the Start Step button Start Step on the job. When the job is started, a Starting icon Starting or Running icon Running may appear on the left of the job.


The Assign to Self button Assign to Self appears in the Details panel and allows you to assign the job to yourself if you have sufficient privileges and you're listed in the job's assignable users list.

When a job is completed or when there are no active steps assigned to you for a job, a message appears on the job and the Dismiss Job Tile button appears. If the job still meets the criteria of your search, for example, an All Jobs search, and there are no active steps assigned to you for the job, the Return To Job and Dismiss Job Tile buttons appear. Click Return To Job to close the job message and return to the job or click Dismiss Job Tile to remove the job from the job list.


If a job is finished by another person, or if a job no longer meets your search criteria, the information on the job is automatically updated in the job list.

In this topic
  1. Find jobs
  2. Run jobs