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Installing Mapping and Charting Solutions Server

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The steps below guide you through the Mapping and Charting Solutions Server installation process.

Installation prerequisites include the following:

  1. Start the Mapping and Charting Solutions Server setup program.
  2. Click Next on the Welcome to the Mapping and Charting Solutions for Server Setup Program panel of the installation wizard.

    The License Agreement dialog box appears.

  3. Review the license agreement and accept it, or cancel if you do not agree with the terms.
  4. Haga clic en Siguiente.

    The Product Selection dialog box appears. Production Mapping is installed by default.

  5. If you have a Defense Mapping Server or ArcGIS Maritime license, click the drop-down arrow and choose the This feature will be installed on local hard drive option.
  6. Haga clic en Siguiente.

    The Ready to Install the Program dialog box appears.

  7. Click Install to begin the installation.

    Once the installation finishes, the InstallShield Wizard Completed dialog box appears.

  8. Click Finish.

    To install Mapping and Charting Solutions Server in an ArcGIS Server multimachine deployment, run this installation wizard on each machine at the site.


    If you are installing ArcGIS Maritime, see Configuring ArcGIS Maritime.

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