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Publish Text to a UDP Socket

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The Publish Text to a UDP Socket Output Connector can be used to publish event data, adapted and formatted as delimited text, to an endpoint address using a UDP socket connection. Transmission of UDP datagrams (messages) is done through unicast. The delimiter between attribute values is often a comma (,), so the type of data adapted by this output connector is sometimes referred to as comma separated values text. ArcGIS GeoEvent Server can use any normal ASCII character as a delimiter to separate data attribute values.

Usage notes

  • This output connector pairs the Text Outbound Adapter with the UDP Outbound Transport.
  • The Host does not need to be on the same machine runningArcGIS GeoEvent Server.
  • By default, the connector opens a UDP socket on port 5000, however any available server port can be used.
  • Multiple Publish Text to a UDP Socket outputs can be configured sharing the same port. However, it is recommended different feeds of event data use their own output connectors and ports.
  • The Broadcast property can be used to send UDP datagrams to all addresses on the local subnet (as opposed to a single host). Contact your system administrator to configure devices capable of receiving UDP datagrams over the local subnet.
  • A Message Separator is required. This single character specifies the end of an event record. A newline (\n) is a common end-of-record delimiter.
  • An Attribute Separator is required. This single character separates one attribute value from another. A comma (,) is a common attribute delimiter.




A descriptive name for the output connector used for reference in GeoEvent Manager.



The host address that UDP datagrams (messages) will be published to using a UDP socket. The default is localhost, but any accessible hostname or IP address can be specified.

This property is shown when Broadcast is set to No and is hidden when set to Yes.

Server Port

The server port to use when establishing the UDP socket connection. GeoEvent Server must be able to discover and connect to this port. The default is port 5000, but any available server port can be specified.


Specifies whether to broadcast datagrams (messages) to all addresses on the local subnet. The default is No.

  • Yes – The datagram (message) will be broadcast to all addresses on the local subnet. Datagrams will be received by all network attached devices on the local subnet.
  • No – The datagram (message) will not be broadcast to all addresses on the local subnet. Datagrams will be published directly to the Host address using unicast transmission.

Message Separator

The literal character used as an event record delimiter. The default is \n for a newline.

Attribute Separator

The literal character used as an attribute field delimiter. The default is , for a comma.

File Extension

The file extension used when creating new files. The default for this property is csv, meaning GeoEvent Server will create a comma separated values file.

Output Date Format

Specifies the format of date/time values written to the file. The available output date formats are ISO 8601 Format or a Custom Format. The default is ISO 8601 Format.

  • ISO 8601 Format—Processed date/time values will be constructed in adherence the ISO 8601 format (yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX).
  • Custom Format—Processed date/time values will be constructed in adherence to a custom format using the Java SimpleDateFormat class convention.

Custom Date Format


The custom format for date/time values written to the file. The custom date format should be constructed using the Java SimpleDateFormat class convention. For more information, see the SimpleDateFormat.

Parameter is shown when Output Date Format is set to Custom Format and is hidden when set to ISO 8601 Format.

Language for Number Formatting

The locale identifier (ID) used for locale-sensitive behavior when formatting numbers from data values. The default is the locale of the machine GeoEvent Server is installed on. For more information, see Java Supported Locales.

En este tema
  1. Usage notes
  2. Parameters