Disponible con una licencia Standard o Advanced.
Disponible con licencia de Production Mapping.
Disponible con licencia de ArcGIS Maritime.
The 11.4 release of the ArcGIS Maritime server extension contains several enhancements.
For a complete list of enhancements and issues addressed, visit the product download page.
Maritime Chart Service (MCS)
The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service (MCS):
- Updated the S-62 agency list through June 27, 2024.
- Mcstpk.exe is no longer required to run on the same machine as ArcGIS Maritime server.
- Enhanced custom symbology for wrecks, fairways, navigation lines, and recommended tracks.
- Unreliable soundings in custom symbology are configured as upright numerals.
- Additional Lua properties for feature objects include the following:
- DatasetCompScale—An integer representing the ENC dataset compilation scale.
- FeatureCompScale—An integer representing the feature's compilation scale if it is located within an M_CSCL object.
- Lua text instruction for labels now supports rotate with feature. When the rotateWithFeature text instruction is set to true (rotateWithFeature=true), the text is rotated to align with the feature.
- The following files are updated:
- Maritimechartservice\controlfiles
- crs.xml
- S57DataDictionary.xml
- ServerConfiguration.xml
- Maritimechartservice\controlfiles\CustomPresentationLibrary
- CustomSymbolMap.xml
- Drgare02.lua
- Fairwy01.lua (new)
- Lndelv01.lua
- Navlne01.lua (new)
- Rectrc01.lua (new)
- Wrecks05.lua (new)
- Sndfrm04.lua (new)
- Symbolize_depth.lua
- Maritimechartservice\controlfiles\CustomPresentationLibrary\symbols\line
- N1_1_RecommendedTrack.svg (new)
- M4_RecommendedTrack1.svg (new)
- M4_RecommendedTrack2.svg (new)
- M1_NavigationLine.svg (new)
- Maritimechartservice\controlfiles\CustomPresentationLibrary\symbols\point
- K1_Obstruction4mm_InDepthRange.svg
- K1_Obstruction4mm_shoal.svg
- K1_Obstruction4mm_DryWk.svg (new)
- K1_Obstruction4mm_InDepthRangeWk.svg (new)
- K1_Obstruction4mm_shoalWk.svg (new)
- K27_SweptDepth.svg (new)
- Maritimechatservice\controlfiles\S52PresentationLibrary
- S52DisplayProperties.xml
- Maritimechartservice\controlfiles