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Installing ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server

The steps below will guide you through the ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Serverinstallation process.

Installation prerequisites include the following:

  1. If you are using the installation media, the content is already located in <media_drive>:/GeoEvent/, therefore you can skip this step and proceed to step 2 below.

    If you downloaded the Evénement géographique package *.tar.gz file, unpack the file:

    For example: $ tar -zxvf ArcGIS_GeoEvent_*.tar.gz
  2. (Optional) If you are going to use the GeoEvent Simulator, and since it only runs on Windows, you will need to copy the GeoEventSimulator.exe file to a Windows machine. The file is located in one of the following locations:
    • If you are using the installation media: <media_drive>:/GeoEvent/Support/.
    • If you downloaded the English package file: ./ArcGISGeoEvent/Support/.
    • If you downloaded a non-English package file: ./ArcGISGeoEvent_<LANGUAGE>/Support/
  3. Run to install the Evénement géographique:
    $ ./ArcGISGeoEvent/
    For non-English setups: $ ./ArcGISGeoEvent_<LANGUAGE>/
  4. License the Evénement géographique by running the ArcGIS for Server Software Authorization Tool:
    $ <arcgis-server-install-location>/tools/authorizeSoftware
    For example: $ ~/arcgis/server/tools/authorizeSoftware
  5. Configure the Evénement géographique to be started with the operating system by following the appropriate instructions below:
    Remarque :

    When sudo is referenced, you can instead log in as root to run the command:

    $ sudo su root
    $ su root
    $ su
    • RHEL:
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin
      For example: $ cd ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      $ sudo chkconfig --add ArcGISGeoEvent-service
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo chkconfig ArcGISGeoEvent-service on
    3. Start the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon status:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service status
    • SUSE
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin
      For example: $ cd ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin
      Switch to root user:
      $ su
      $ ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ ln -s ~/arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      $ insserv ArcGISGeoEvent-service
      $ chkconfig ArcGISGeoEvent-service
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon when the machine is rebooted:
      Still as root user:
      $ chkconfig ArcGISGeoEvent-service on
      End the root user session
    3. Start the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEvent-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEvent-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon status:
      $ /etc/init.d/ArcGISGeoEvent-service status
    • Ubuntu:
    1. Install the Linux Daemon:
      $ cd <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin
      For example: $ cd /arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin
      $ sudo ln -s <arcgis-server-install-location>/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
      For example: $ sudo ln -s /arcgis/server/GeoEvent/bin/ArcGISGeoEvent-service /etc/init.d/
    2. Automatically start the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon when the machine is rebooted:
      $ sudo update-rc.d ArcGISGeoEvent-service defaults
    3. Start the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service start
    4. (Optional) Stop the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service stop
    5. (Optional) Check the ArcGIS Evénement géographique daemon status:
      $ service ArcGISGeoEvent-service status

Proceed to Optional: Marking the self-signed Extension GeoEvent Certificate as trusted by Internet Explorer.