Processors are a configurable element of a GeoEvent Service that perform specific actions on event data as it is received such as identification or enrichment as event data is routed from inputs to outputs.
All processors, when created, must be assigned a name. The name is case-sensitive and will be used to uniquely identify the processor in a GeoEvent Service. The type of processor being created is specified using the Processor drop-down, as illustrated below.
![Processor properties showing available processors Processor properties showing available processors](GUID-7E1F2E83-8116-4B92-8830-2BFCEDC25A57-web.png)
GeoEvent Server includes the following processors:
- Add XYZ Values
- Bearing Calculator
- Buffer Creator
- Convex Hull Creator
- Difference Creator
- Envelope Creator
- Event Joiner
- Event Volume Controller
- Feature to Point
- Field Calculator
- Field Calculator (Regular Expression)
- Field Enricher (Feature Service)
- Field Enricher (File)
- Field Mapper
- Field Reducer
- GeoTagger
- Incident Detector
- Intersector
- No Operation
- Projector
- Range Fan Calculator
- Simplifier
- Symmetric Difference Creator
- Track Gap Detector
- Union Creator
Additional processors can be found on the ArcGIS GeoEvent Server Gallery.
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