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What's new for ArcGIS Maritime

ArcGIS 11.1 (Linux)  | |  Archive de l’aide

Disponible avec une licence Standard ou Advanced.

Disponible avec une licence Production Mapping.

Disponible avec une licence ArcGIS Maritime.

The latest release of ArcGIS Maritime server extension contains several enhancements.

Remarque :

For a complete list of enhancements and issues addressed, visit the product download page.

Maritime Chart Service (MCS)

The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service (MCS):

  • Linux help is now available online using the version switcher.
  • Updated layer operation response to include type to support ArcGIS Web AppBuilder layer widget requirements.
  • Updated S-62 agency list through December 19, 2022.
  • All bugs and enhancements through the release of 10.9.1 Patch 4 are available.
Remarque :

Custom Chart Builder (CCB) is not available on Linux.

Dans cette rubrique
  1. Maritime Chart Service (MCS)