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Enabling the linear referencing capability

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Disponible avec la licence Location Referencing.

Creating the map document

Before publishing a linear referencing service, you must use ArcGIS Pro to create a map document that contains at least one LRS Network or an event layer.

Learn more about making your data accessible to ArcGIS Server

Publishing a linear referencing-capable map service in ArcGIS Pro

After you create and save your map document with symbology using ArcGIS Pro, you can create the map service with linear referencing capability.

Remarque :

When publishing the resource in ArcGIS Pro, make sure the Linear Referencing check box is checked

Share As Web Layer pane

Using the service

A map service with linear referencing capability can be used to build web-based and connected mobile linear referencing apps. In addition, Event Editor consumes your data from this type of map service.

Learn more about authoring a web map for Event Editor