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Langages de script et API REST d'ArcGIS

Cette documentation ArcGIS 10.6 a été archivée et n’est plus mise à jour. Certains contenus et liens peuvent être obsolètes. Consultez la dernière version de la documentation.

L'API REST d'ArcGIS fonctionne avec tout langage de script capable d'effectuer des appels de service Web RESTful via HTTP et d'analyser les réponses. Cela inclut Python, Java, JavaScript, PowerShell, C#, Ruby, Scala, Perl, etc.

Les exemples de l'API REST fournis dans l'aide d'ArcGIS Server utilisent Python. Cependant, les exemples présentés ci-dessous vous expliquent comment rédiger un script équivalent avec un éventail de langages. Chaque script lance le service de géométrie qui est installé avec ArcGIS Server.


Ce script lance le service de géométrie à l'aide du langage Python.

Le démarrage d'un service nécessite des droits d’accès d’administrateur. En d'autres termes, vous devez fournir un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe bénéficiant de ces privilèges lors de l'exécution de ce script.

# Demonstrates how to start a service by starting the geometry service
# This service is included with every ArcGIS Server and is stopped by default

# For Http calls
import httplib, urllib, json

# For system tools
import sys

# For reading passwords without echoing
import getpass

# Defines the entry point into the script
def main(argv=None):
    # Print some info
    print "This tool is a sample script that starts the Geometry service on a Server."
    # Ask for admin/publisher user name and password
    username = raw_input("Enter user name: ")
    password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")

    # Ask for server name
    serverName = raw_input("Enter server name: ")
    serverPort = 6080
    # Get a token
    token = getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort)
    if token == "":
        print "Could not generate a token with the username and password provided."
    # Construct URL to start a service - as an example the Geometry service
    serviceStartURL = "/arcgis/admin/services/utilities/Geometry.GeometryServer/start"
    # This request only needs the token and the response formatting parameter 
    params = urllib.urlencode({'token': token, 'f': 'json'})
    headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
    # Connect to URL and post parameters    
    httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
    httpConn.request("POST", serviceStartURL, params, headers)
    # Read response
    response = httpConn.getresponse()
    if (response.status != 200):
        print "Error while attempting to start the service."
        data =
        # Check that data returned is not an error object
        if not assertJsonSuccess(data):          
            print "Error returned by operation. " + data
            print "Operation completed successfully!"

# A function to generate a token given username, password and the adminURL.
def getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort):
    # Token URL is typically http://server[:port]/arcgis/admin/generateToken
    tokenURL = "/arcgis/admin/generateToken"
    # URL-encode the token parameters
    params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password, 'client': 'requestip', 'f': 'json'})
    headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
    # Connect to URL and post parameters
    httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)
    httpConn.request("POST", tokenURL, params, headers)
    # Read response
    response = httpConn.getresponse()
    if (response.status != 200):
        print "Error while fetching tokens from admin URL. Please check the URL and try again."
        data =
        # Check that data returned is not an error object
        if not assertJsonSuccess(data):            
        # Extract the token from it
        token = json.loads(data)        
        return token["token"]            

# A function that checks that the input JSON object 
#  is not an error object.  
def assertJsonSuccess(data):
    obj = json.loads(data)
    if 'status' in obj and obj['status'] == "error":
        print "Error: JSON object returns an error. " + str(obj)
        return False
        return True
# Script start
if __name__ == "__main__":

Windows PowerShell

Ce script lance le service de géométrie à l'aide de Windows PowerShell. L'objectif est de vous expliquer comment rédiger d'autres scripts PowerShell avec l'API REST d'ArcGIS.

# Demonstrates how to start a service by starting the geometry service.# This service is included with every ArcGIS Server 
and is stopped by default.
# To run this script, you must set the the appropriate security settings.
#  For more information about Powershell security, visit the following URL: 
# provides serialization and deserialization functionality for JSON object
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web.Extensions
# Defines the entry point into the script
function main(){
  # Print some info
  echo "This is a sample script that starts the ArcGIS Server geometry service."
  # Ask for admin/publisher user name
  $username = read-host "Enter user name"
  $securePassword = read-host -AsSecureString "Enter password"
  # Ask for Admin/publisher password
  # Use Marshal Class to decode the secure string. Reference:
  $Ptr = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToCoTaskMemUnicode($securePassword)
  $password = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringUni($Ptr)
  # Ask for servername
  $serverName = read-host "Enter server name"
  $serverPort = 6080
  # Get a token
  $token = token $username $password $serverName $serverPort
    write-warning "Could not generate a token with the username and password provided"
  # construct URL to start a service - as an example the Geometry service
  $url = "http://${serverName}:${serverPort}/arcgis/admin/services/Utilities/Geometry.GeometryServer/start"
  $parameters = "token=${token}&f=json"
  # Construct a HTTP request
  $http_request = New-Object -ComObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP
  $'POST', $url, $false)
  $http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  # Connect to URL and post parameters
    write-warning 'There were exceptions when sending the request'
  # Read response
  if($http_request.status -eq 200){
    # Check that data returned is not an error object
    if(assertJsonSuccess $http_request.responseText){
      echo "Operation completed successfully!"
      write-warning "Error returned by operation."
      write-warning $http_request
    write-warning "Error while attempting to start the service."
# A function to generate a token given username, password and the adminURL.
function token([string]$username, [string]$password, [string]$serverName, [int]$serverPort){
  # Token URL is typically http://server[:port]/arcgis/admin/generateToken
  $url = "http://${serverName}:${serverPort}/arcgis/admin/generateToken"
  $parameters = "username=${username}&password=${password}&client=requestip&f=json"
  # Construct a HTTP request
  $http_request = New-Object -ComObject Msxml2.XMLHTTP
  $'POST', $url, $false)
  $http_request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
  # Connect to URL and post parameters
  $token = ''
    write-warning 'There were exceptions when sending the request'
    return $token
  # Read response
  if($http_request.status -eq 200){
    # Check that data returned is not an error object
    if(assertJsonSuccess $http_request.responseText){
      # Extract the token from it
      $jsonSerializer = New-Object -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
      $jsonObj = $jsonSerializer.DeserializeObject($http_request.responseText)
      $token = $jsonObj['token']
    write-warning "Error encountered when retrieving an administrative token. Please check your credentials and try again."
# A function that checks that the input JSON object 
#  is not an error object.  
function assertJsonSuccess([string]$data){
  $jsonSerializer = New-Object -TypeName System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer
  $jsonObj = $jsonSerializer.DeserializeObject($data)
  if($jsonObj['status'] -eq 'error'){
    write-warning "JSON object returns an error. Data => ${data}"
# Script start


Cet exemple de script lance le service de géométrie à l'aide du langage Perl. Le script tente systématiquement d'ouvrir une session sécurisée (en chiffrant le nom d'utilisateur et le mot de passe). Si HTTPS n'est pas configuré pour ArcGIS Server, la tentative de connexion sécurisée échoue et, par défaut, le script tente d'établir une connexion non sécurisée. Si vous souhaitez qu'aucune tentative de connexion non sécurisée ne soit effectuée, utilisez l'option -e.

Ce script utilise les bibliothèques LWP et HTTP qui sont généralement incluses dans toutes les distributions Perl. Ce script ne nécessite pas l'installation d'un logiciel Esri sur le système qui l'exécute.

Si vous modifiez ce script pour votre propre usage, sachez que la géométrie de service réside dans le dossier Utilitaires et que l'URL utilisée dans le script doit être modifiée afin de prendre en compte d'autres noms de dossier.

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Request::Common qw(GET POST);
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->timeout(300); 	#services start within 5 minutes or timeout
my ($user, $password, $serverName, $port, $requireEncryption) = getUserInput();
my $baseUrl ="http://$serverName:$port/arcgis";
my $token = getToken($baseUrl, $user, $password, $requireEncryption);
startService($baseUrl, $token, "Geometry", "GeometryServer");
sub getToken {
	# Attempt to login securely.  	# If it fails and encryption required, tell user.
	# If it fails and encryption not required, try insecure login.		my ($baseUrl, $user, $password, $requireEncryption) = @_;
	my $secureUrl = $baseUrl;
	$secureUrl =~ s/http/https/;
	$secureUrl =~ s/:6080/:6443/;
	my $token = makeTokenRequest($secureUrl, $user, $password);
	return $token if (defined $token);
	if ($requireEncryption) {
		print "Unable to login. Either the server doesn't support https, or the server name,\nusername, or password might be incorrect.\n\n";
	$token = makeTokenRequest($baseUrl, $user, $password);
	return $token if (defined $token);
		print "Unable to get token.  The server name, username, or password might be incorrect.\n";
sub makeTokenRequest {
	my ($url, $user, $password) = @_;
	my $response = makeHttpPost("$url/admin/generateToken", {username=>$user, password=>$password, client=>"requestip", expiration=>30, f=>'json'});
	if ($response =~/\{\"token\"\:\"(.*)\",/) {
		return $1;
	} else {
		return undef;
sub startService {
	my($baseUrl, $token, $serviceName, $serviceType) = @_;
	my $response = makeHttpPost("$baseUrl/admin/services/Utilities/$serviceName.$serviceType/start", {f=>'json', token=>$token});
	if ($response eq "") {
		print "ERROR: Unable to start the service.  Unable to make http connection to server.\n";
	} elsif ($response =~/success/) {
		print "Service $serviceName.$serviceType successfully started.\n";
	} elsif ($response =~ /"code":404/) {
		print "Service $serviceName.$serviceType was not found. Please check for typos.\n";
sub makeHttpPost {
        my $url         = $_[0];
        my %parameter   = %{$_[1]};
        my $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $url);
        my $requestParameters = "";
        foreach my $key ( keys %parameter) {
                $requestParameters .= "$key=$parameter{$key}&"
        my $res = $ua->request($req);
        if ($res->is_success) {
                return $res->content;
        } else {
	        return "";
sub getUserInput {
	my ($user, $password, $serverName, $port, $requireEncryption);
	$serverName = "localhost";
	$port = "6080";
	$requireEncryption = 0;
	if ($#ARGV < 0) {
		print "This tool is a sample script that starts the Geometry service on a Server.\n\n";
		print "\t-u\tArcGIS Server publisher or admin user. Required\n";
		print "\t-p\tPassword for the user. Required.\n";
		print "\t-s\tServer machine. Optional, default is localhost.\n";
		print "\t-t\tPort.  Optional, default is 6080.\n";
		print "\t-e\tRequire secure login.\n";
		print "\n\n\tExample: startGeometryService -u admin -p password.\n";
		print "\tExample: startGeometryService -u admin -p password -s gis1.\n";
		print "\tExample: startGeometryService -u admin -p password -e.\n";
		print "\tExample: startGeometryService -u admin -p password -s gis1 -t 80.\n\n";
		print "Warning: This script always tries to login securely through https (encrypted).\n";
		print "If that fails, it tries an insecure login since ArcGIS Server may not be\n";
		print "configured for https.  Use the -e option to avoid ever using an insecure login.\n\n\n";
	} else {
		for my $i (0 .. $#ARGV) {
			$user = $ARGV[$i+1] if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-u");
			$password = $ARGV[$i+1] if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-p");
			$serverName = $ARGV[$i+1] if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-s");
			$port = $ARGV[$i+1] if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-t");
			$requireEncryption = 1 if ($ARGV[$i] eq "-e");
	if (! defined $user || ! defined $password) {
		print "A user was not provided using the correct syntax.\n" if (! defined $user);
		print "A password was not provided using the correct syntax.\n" if (! defined $password);
	return ($user, $password, $serverName, $port, $requireEncryption);


L'exemple suivant est écrit en langage Scala. Il vous permet d'arrêter ou de démarrer le service de géométrie.

// Sample usage of the ArcGIS Server Administrator API
// - Dispatch ( // - LiftJSON
// ...demonstrates how to START or STOP the Geometry Service in an ArcGIS Server site
import dispatch._ import dispatch.liftjson._ import Http._ import dispatch.liftjson.Js._ import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
object StartStopGeometryService {
	def main(args: Array[String]){
		    print("Enter Command (START or STOP): ")                   val command = Console.readLine()
            print("Enter host name: ")             val host = Console.readLine() 
            print("Enter port:") 		    val port = Console.readLine()
		    print("Enter username: ") 		    val username = Console.readLine()
		    print("Enter password (WARNING! Password will show up as clear text): ") 		    val password = Console.readLine()
		    		   // if (!command.equalsIgnoreCase("start") || !command.equalsIgnoreCase("stop")){
		   //   println("Usage: StartGeometryService <START | STOP> <hostname> <port> <username> <password>")		   //   sys.exit()		   // }
		    // Http Request            val http = new Http
				    // Request a TOKEN...
		    val u = url("http://" + host + ":" + port + "/arcgis/admin/generateToken") << Map("f" -> "pjson","username" -> username.toString, "password" -> password.toString,"client" -> "requestip" , "expiration" -> "1000")		    val token = http(u ># {json => (json \\ "token").values})
		    // Use the token to make a call to the Geometry Service to START or STOP (STOP, in this case)		    val geomStartURL = url("http://" + host + ":" + port + 			"/arcgis/admin/services/Utilities/Geometry.GeometryServer/" + command) << Map("f" -> "pjson", "token" -> token.toString)		    val response = http(geomStartURL ># {json => json})			    println(response)
             case e: Exception => println(e.getMessage)        }