Use the Add Spatiotemporal Big Data Store Machines to the site button in ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure in the following scenarios:
- After creating your base deployment of ArcGIS Enterprise on Microsoft Azure, you decide that you want ArcGIS GeoAnalytics Server functionality or want to archive data from ArcGIS GeoEvent Server stream services with your portal. This functionality requires a spatiotemporal big data store.
- You created a deployment on Azure that includes a spatiotemporal big data store, but you need to add more machines to it to store the volume of data your GeoAnalytics Server or GeoEvent Server is generating.
Follow these steps to add a spatiotemporal big data store to your deployment, or add a machine to an existing spatiotemporal big data store.
- Start ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure.
- Sign in to Microsoft Azure.
If you want to use the Microsoft Azure Government cloud and have an Azure Government subscription, check U.S. Government Cloud.
- Choose the Azure subscription that contains the ArcGIS Enterprise deployment to which you want to add a spatiotemporal big data store.
- Click the Add Spatiotemporal Big Data Store Machines to the site button
- Type the user name and password for Machine Administrator. This must be the same Windows login you specified to administer the other virtual machines in your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.
- If you have an existing Windows Domain in your Azure environment and the rest of your deployment is already using this domain, you can add the spatiotemporal big data store machine (or machines) to the domain. To do so, click Domain Join Options.
- On the Domain Join Options dialog box, be sure the Join Existing Windows Domain? option is checked.
- Provide the name of the Active Directory domain.
- Provide the user name and password for the domain administrator.
- Check the box next to Is ArcGIS Service Account a Domain Account? to use an existing domain account to run your ArcGIS Data Store Windows service. This must be the same account used for the ArcGIS Enterprise portal to which you're adding the spatiotemporal big data store.
- Click apply.
- Provide the user name and password for the primary site administrator of your hosting server.
You specified this information when you deployed ArcGIS Enterprise.
- Type the user name and password for ArcGIS Service Account that you specified to run the other services in your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.
- Specify the number of machines to include in the spatiotemporal big data store, their names, and sizes.
You should have multiple machines in your spatiotemporal big data store. An odd number of machines is recommended.
Attention :
There is a known issue at 10.7 that causes spatiotemporal big data store creation to fail if you use the default disk size of 64 GB. Choose to customize the spatiotemporal big data store machines, and configure disk sizes to be at least 128 GB. At 10.7.1, the default instance size is 128 GB.
- Click next to estimate costs and view a summary of your settings.
- Click Generate Cost Estimate to calculate the approximate cost of the Azure infrastructure you will use in or add to your spatiotemporal big data store. When you finish generating the estimate, click export to save a file containing estimate information. Click close when you finish the estimate.
This estimate does not include data storage costs.
- Review the settings in the Summary pane. If anything needs to be changed, click back to change the information in the Specify Machines pane. When all settings are correct, click finish to add a spatiotemporal big data store to the portal's hosting server in your ArcGIS Enterprise deployment.
Click Save Summary to save your site configuration information to a text file.
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