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Open Web Page

The Open Web Page step can be used to integrate web pages and web apps in the ArcGIS Workflow Manager web app and in ArcGIS Pro. This allows Workflow Manager users to seamlessly interact with the web page or web app.

When the step is run in the Workflow Manager web app, the web page or web app defined in the step opens in the Work page. Step information is displayed in the Details panel and can be minimized by clicking the Minimize button Collapse Panel.

When the step is run in ArcGIS Pro, the web page or web app defined in the step opens in a view in ArcGIS Pro.

Remarque :

When this step is being run by another person, the Running icon Running appears on the job.

When you run the step, you can perform the following actions:

  • Click Pause to pause the step.
  • Click Finish to finish the step.
Remarque :

If the step isn't optional, the step must be run or paused at least once before it can be finished.

Configure the step

Complete these steps to configure the Open Web Page step to open a web page or web app on the Workflow Manager Work page.

Attention :

To reduce security vulnerabilities, the Open Web Page step should only be configured for trusted web pages and web apps.

  1. Create or edit a workflow diagram to access the Step Library panel.
  2. Drag Open Web Page from the Step Library to a connection arrow of a step on the workflow canvas.

    The Step Details panel appears.

  3. Provide a name for the step in the Step Name text box.
  4. Type the URL of the web page or web app in the Web Page URL text box.

    You can also use ArcGIS Arcade expressions in the Web Page URL text box. For example, '<BranchVersionedFeatureServiceName>/?versions='+jobVersion($job,'<DatasourceName>')+'&extent='+jobLocation($job).

    Learn more about dynamic job properties

    Remarque :

    The Open Web Page step only supports URLs with no embedding restrictions and public web apps in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. Secured web apps in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal and web pages with mixed content are not supported.

  5. Optionally, check the Open In New Browser check box to open the web page or web app in a new browser window when the step is run in the Workflow Manager web app.
  6. Click the Options tab.
  7. Configure Step Options as necessary.
    • Manual—Run the step manually.
      • Optional—Allow the step to be finished without being run.
    • Automatic—Run the step as soon as it becomes active.
    • Run on a Schedule—Run the step according to a schedule you set.

      Learn more about scheduling options

  8. Optionally, provide help text for the step in the Step Help text box.
  9. Optionally, click the Style tab to change the shape and color of the step.
  10. Optionally, click the About tab and provide a description for the step in the Step Description text box.
    Remarque :

    The About tab also contains the step's ID that can be used with dynamic job properties to obtain a step's output.

Return codes

When the step finishes running, it sends a return code to indicate the result of the step. The return code is evaluated, and the workflow follows all paths that match the step's return value. The following table lists the step's return codes:

Return codeDescription


The step failed to complete successfully.


The step completed successfully.

Step output

When the step finishes running, its output is stored and can be used to determine the path the workflow follows or be used as inputs for other steps throughout the workflow. The following table lists the step's stored output:



The URL of the web page or web app that was opened when the step was run.

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