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Troubleshoot connection problems

この ArcGIS 10.8 ドキュメントはアーカイブされており、今後更新されません。 コンテンツとリンクが古い場合があります。 最新のドキュメントをご参照ください

Refer to the following sections to solve connection problems.

Connection errors

Complete these steps to try to resolve connection errors:

  1. Open the config.db file located in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\settings directory in a text editor.
  2. Verify that the port number matches what you typed in the Server text box on the New Connection dialog box.
  • The file is set to read-only during the initial configuration, and all values will be encrypted and stored in the repository. For security reasons, the file can be deleted; however, the administrator must remember the site credentials.
  • The ArcGIS Monitor Server application password cannot be changed by editing the config.db file after the installation.

Token error

If you get a token error when trying to access the ArcGIS Monitor Server application, check the following items:

  • Make sure the Monitor Server service is running in the Windows Services manager.
  • Make sure the Monitor Server application host name and syntax you're using are correct. For example, https://<Hostname>:<Port>.
  • Make sure the port number (for example, port 443) isn't being used by another application.

    Run the following command from a command prompt on the machine where the Monitor Server application is installed to view a list of ports that are currently in use:

    netstat -ano

Incorrect user error

If you receive an incorrect user error when accessing the ArcGIS Monitor Server application, make sure the credentials you're using are correct. The default user name is Site and the default password is ArcGISMonitor.

Missing ArcGIS Monitor Server connections

If ArcGIS Monitor Server connections are missing, check the following items:

  • Make sure you're logging in to the Windows machine with the user account that created the Monitor Server application connection and associated counters.
  • Make sure the user profile was not lost due to a Windows or system failure. If the profile was lost, you'll need to re-create the connection to the Monitor Server application in ArcGIS Monitor Administrator. If the definition files were also lost, you'll need to restore them from a backup, or uninstall and reinstall ArcGIS Monitor. For more information, see Back up and restore ArcGIS Monitor settings.

ArcGIS Monitor Server application connection is offline

If your ArcGIS Monitor Server application connection is offline, check the following items:

  • Make sure the ArcGIS Monitor Server application and ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> services are running in the Windows Services manager.
  • Click Refresh on the ArcGIS Monitor Administrator main menu.
  • Restart ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.
  • Check the MongoDB log file in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\mongo\logs directory for errors.
  • Try to start MongoDB from the command line with the following command:
    mongod --storageEngine wiredTiger --dbpath <Installation location>\mongo\Data --port 27017
  • Check the ArcGIS Monitor Server application log file in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\logs directory for TCP or port errors.
  • Verify that the user credentials for the ArcGIS Monitor service are correct. For more information, see Update monitor service credentials in Windows.