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例: 詳細なパラメーターを指定したサービスの公開

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サービスを最初に公開するときに、サービス プロパティの詳細な制御が必要となる場合もあります。このような場合は、JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) を使用してサービス パラメーターのリストをテキスト ファイルに出力します。続いて、ArcGIS REST API の createService メソッドを呼び出して、ファイルから読み取った JSON を渡します。

マップ サービスの場合は、マップ サービス定義 (MSD) ファイルを JSON に指定する必要があります。このファイルは ArcMap ドキュメント (MXD) から、ArcGIS Server で認識および描画可能な形式で情報を合成します。サービスの作成に進む前に、arcpy.mapping モジュールを使用してマップを解析し、MSD を作成する必要があります。この処理には、ArcGIS Desktop がライセンスされたコンピューターが必要です。その他のサービス タイプでは、arcpy.mapping の使用または MSD の作成は必要ありません。

次に、JSON ファイルの例を示します。別のサービス タイプでの JSON ファイルの詳細な作成例については、ArcGIS REST API のリファレンスをご参照ください。

{  "serviceName": "Beirut",  "type": "MapServer",  "description": "Service showing Beirut parcels and streets.",  "capabilities": "Map,Query,Data",  "clusterName": "default",  "minInstancesPerNode": 1,  "maxInstancesPerNode": 3,  "instancesPerContainer": 1,  "maxWaitTime": 60,  "maxStartupTime": 300,  "maxIdleTime": 1800,  "maxUsageTime": 600,  "loadBalancing": "ROUND_ROBIN",  "isolationLevel": "HIGH",  "configuredState": "STARTED",  "recycleInterval": 24,  "recycleStartTime": "00:00",  "keepAliveInterval": 1800,  "private": false,  "isDefault": false,  "properties": {    "maxBufferCount": "100",    "maxImageHeight": "2048",    "maxRecordCount": "1000",    "filePath": "c:\\data\\Beirut\\",    "maxImageWidth": "2048",    "enableDynamicLayers": "false",    "cacheOnDemand": "false",    "dynamicDataWorkspaces": "",    "useLocalCacheDir": "true",    "outputDir": "c:\\arcgisserver\\directories\\arcgisoutput",    "virtualOutputDir": "/rest/directories/arcgisoutput",    "supportedImageReturnTypes": "URL",    "isCached": "false",    "ignoreCache": "false",    "clientCachingAllowed": "true",    "cacheDir": ""  },  "extensions": [],  "datasets": []}

以下のコードは、サービスを公開するときに、この JSON ファイルの内容を Python スクリプトで参照する方法を示しています。

# Demonstrates how to publish a service from a JSON definition file
# An MSD file is required, which is made from the MXD in this script
# For Http calls import httplib, urllib, json, arcpy, os
# For system tools import sys
# For reading passwords without echoing import getpass
# Defines the entry point into the script
def main(argv=None):
    # Print some info    print    print "This tool is a sample script that publishes a service using an MXD and JSON definiton."
    print        # Ask for admin/publisher user name and password    username = raw_input("Enter user name: ")    password = getpass.getpass("Enter password: ")
    # Ask for other necessary information    serverName = raw_input("Enter Server name: ")    serverPort = 6443    mxdPath = raw_input("Enter the path to the MXD: ")    msdPath = raw_input("Enter the desired path for the MSD: ")    jsonPath = raw_input("Enter the path to the JSON file: ")
    # Analyze MXD and create MSD file    if not os.path.isfile(mxdPath):
    if mxdPath.endswith('.mxd'):
        mapErrors = analyzeMap(mxdPath)        if len(mapErrors) > 0:
            print "Fix map errors before converting to mxd"
            return        mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath)        convertMap(mxd, msdPath);
        del mxd      else:
        print "Invalid file type submitted"
    # Get a token    token = getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort)    if token == "":
        print "Could not generate a token with the username and password provided."
    # Read the JSON file for the service    serviceJSON = open(jsonPath).read()        # Construct URL to create a service    # If publishing to a folder, invoke createService on the folder URL    createServiceURL = "/arcgis/admin/services/createService"
        # This request needs the token, the JSON defining the service properties,
    #  and the response format     params = urllib.urlencode({'token': token, 'service':serviceJSON, 'f': 'json'})
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
        # Connect to URL and post parameters    
    httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)    httpConn.request("POST", createServiceURL, params, headers)        # Read response    response = httpConn.getresponse()    if (response.status != 200):
        httpConn.close()        print "Error while creating the service."
        return    else:
        data =        httpConn.close()                # Check that data returned is not an error object        if not assertJsonSuccess(data):                      print "Error returned by operation. " + data        else:
            print "Operation completed successfully!"
# A function to analyze a map document def analyzeMap(mapPath):
    mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mapPath)    analysis = arcpy.mapping.AnalyzeForMSD(mxd)
    vars = analysis['errors']    for ((message, code), layerlist) in vars.iteritems():
      print "Errors: "
      print message, " (CODE %i)" % code      print "       applies to the following layers:",      for layer in layerlist:
          print,      print            del mxd    return analysis['errors']
# A function to convert a map document to a map service definition (MSD) def convertMap(mxd, msd):
    arcpy.mapping.ConvertToMSD(mxd, msd, "USE_ACTIVE_VIEW", "NORMAL", "NORMAL")    del mxd, msd
# A function to generate a token given username, password and the adminURL. def getToken(username, password, serverName, serverPort):
    # Token URL is typically http://server[:port]/arcgis/admin/generateToken    tokenURL = "/arcgis/admin/generateToken"
        # URL-encode the token parameters    params = urllib.urlencode({'username': username, 'password': password, 'client': 'requestip', 'f': 'json'})        headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"}
        # Connect to URL and post parameters    httpConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(serverName, serverPort)    httpConn.request("POST", tokenURL, params, headers)        # Read response    response = httpConn.getresponse()    if (response.status != 200):
        httpConn.close()        print "Error while fetching tokens from admin URL. Please check the URL and try again."
        return    else:
        data =        httpConn.close()                # Check that data returned is not an error object        if not assertJsonSuccess(data):                        return                # Extract the token from it        token = json.loads(data)                return token['token']            
# A function that checks that the input JSON object 
#  is not an error object.    def assertJsonSuccess(data):
    obj = json.loads(data)    if 'status' in obj and obj['status'] == "error":
        print "Error: JSON object returns an error. " + str(obj)        return False    else:
        return True            
# Script start if __name__ == "__main__":