Live traffic data

In ArcGIS StreetMap Premium, you have the option to access a live traffic feed through the ArcGIS Online World Traffic Service. Using a live traffic service with ArcGIS StreetMap Premium allows you access to high-quality live and predictive traffic data that can improve the results of Network Analyst functions such as routing. Live traffic as a service is available for an additional fee as part of the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium product. Esri Customer Service will provide access to the ArcGIS Online World Traffic Service through your ArcGIS Online account after purchase.

An ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Live Traffic license and the ArcGIS Network Analyst extension are required to access the live traffic feed.

To configure live traffic, see the Use live traffic from the ArcGIS Online World Traffic Service with ArcGIS StreetMap Premium topic in the ArcGIS Pro help. Live traffic can be configured for ArcGIS Pro as well as ArcGIS Enterprise use. To configure live traffic as a utility service for your organization, see the Traffic Data section under Routing utility service in the Portal for ArcGIS help on the ArcGIS Enterprise website.

Historical versus Live versus Predictive traffic data

In ArcGIS StreetMap Premium, the product coverage table's Speed Data Source column indicates whether historical, live, or predictive traffic data exists for each country. Refer to Network Analysis coverage in the ArcGIS Online documentation for detailed descriptions of each of these traffic levels.

Historical traffic is included with the ArcGIS StreetMap Premium network dataset at no additional cost and is used as the default speed data source unless a country only has less detailed information like speed limits or has limited street coverage available.

The historical traffic information included in the StreetMap Premium dataset reflects driving patterns that provide true average speeds over the past one to two years on individual road elements. This travel time data is aggregated into 15-minute intervals per day of week. So, a road may have a different travel time on Monday at 8 a.m., Monday at 8:15 a.m., or Tuesday at 8 a.m. When you perform network analysis and you set a particular day of the week or time of day, the historical traffic information is relied upon to calculate the optimal route.

When you perform a network analysis and you set a start time that is within 4 hours of the current time, the live and predictive traffic information are used together to calculate the optimal route. Live traffic information is stored for 4 hours prior to the current time. Predictive traffic information is calculated in 15-minute intervals extending 4 hours into the future. If there is no live traffic information for a specific roadway included in your analysis, travel speeds will default to historical traffic speeds. Also, if the start time that you specify is not within 4 hours of the current time, or the travel time in the analysis continues past the predictive data window, the analysis falls back to historical traffic speeds.

For example, if the current time is 2:30 p.m., the table below shows when historical, live, or predictive traffic will be used based on the start time of the analysis.

Analysis start time

Before 10:30 a.m.10:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.After 6:30 p.m.

Historical traffic

Live traffic + Predictive traffic (4 hours of data stored prior to the current time)

Live traffic + Predictive traffic (4 hours into the future)

Historical traffic