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Informacje o komponencie ArcGIS Web Adaptor

ArcGIS Web Adaptor is a required component of Portal for ArcGIS which allows you to integrate your portal with your existing web server and your organization's security mechanisms. You cannot deploy Portal for ArcGIS in your organization without the Web Adaptor.

The Web Adaptor is an application that runs in your existing website and forwards requests to the machine hosting Portal for ArcGIS. It is compatible with IIS and Java EE servers such as WebSphere and WebLogic.

Benefits of the Web Adaptor

The Web Adaptor provides the following benefits:

  • Allows you to integrate Portal for ArcGIS with your organization's existing web server. By including a web server in your site, you gain the ability to host web applications that use your GIS services.

  • Allows you to use your organization's identity store and security policies at the web-tier level. For example, if you're using IIS, you can use Integrated Windows Authentication to restrict who enters the portal. You can also use Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) or any other identity store for which the web server has built-in or extensible support. This allows you to provide a single sign-on or other custom authentication experience when logging in to use services, web applications, and Portal for ArcGIS.

  • Allows you to expose Portal for ArcGIS through a site name other than the default arcgis.

  • Allows you to expose Portal for ArcGIS through port 80 or 443.


    You can only use the Web Adaptor with port 80 or 443. Using different ports is not supported.

Web Adaptor deployment scenarios

The Web Adaptor is platform independent of Portal for ArcGIS; therefore, the Web Adaptor you deploy does not have to match the operating system platform of your portal. For example, if your portal is running on Linux, you can deploy ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) or (Java Platform) to work with Portal for ArcGIS. Conversely, if your portal is running on Windows, you can deploy ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) on Linux to work with Portal for ArcGIS.

Uzyskiwanie dostępu do portalu za pomocą zainstalowanej aplikacji Web Adaptor

Po zainstalowaniu i skonfigurowaniu aplikacji Web Adaptor adres URL zapewniający dostęp do portalu będzie miał format Jeśli na przykład komputer hostujący aplikację Web Adaptor nazywa się wa w domenie, a nazwa danej instancji aplikacji Web Adaptor to arcgis, dostęp do portalu uzyskuje się za pomocą adresu URL

Jeśli portal został skonfigurowany tak, aby do komunikacji korzystał wyłącznie z protokołu HTTPS, należy zmienić adresy URL ze skrótami do pomocy i witryny internetowej zainstalowanego portalu. W miejscu http należy wpisać https. W przeciwnym razie podczas próby otwarcia skrótów oryginalnych adresów URL będą wyświetlane błędy w przeglądarce.

The Web Adaptor setup experience

The Web Adaptor has its own setup and installation guide which is separate from the Portal for ArcGIS installation. You must install the Web Adaptor on a machine running a web server. This can be a machine already running Portal for ArcGIS or a separate machine.

Three setups are available for the Web Adaptor and, depending on your web server and operating system, you will choose one of them: