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Minimum system requirements

Эта документация ArcGIS 10.8 была перемещена в архив и более не обновляется. Ресурсы и ссылки могут быть устаревшими. См. самую последнюю документацию.

ArcGIS Pro with ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS Roads and Highways and ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing use the Location Referencing functionality, which is included in ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Server.

ArcGIS Roads and Highways

  • For ArcGIS ProArcGIS Roads and Highways uses the Location Referencing functionality is included in ArcGIS Pro. The system requirements for Roads and Highways in ArcGIS Pro are the same as ArcGIS Pro. An ArcGIS Pro Standard or Advanced license and the Location Referencing ArcGIS Pro license is required.
  • For ArcGIS ServerRoads and Highways uses the Location Referencing Services included in ArcGIS Server. The system requirements for ArcGIS Roads and Highways Server are the same as ArcGIS Server. An ArcGIS Server Standard or Advanced license and the Location Referencing Server license is required.

ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing

  • For ArcGIS ProArcGIS Pipeline Referencing uses the Location Referencing functionality included in ArcGIS Pro. The system requirements for ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing in ArcGIS Pro are the same as ArcGIS Pro. An ArcGIS Pro Standard or Advanced license and the Location Referencing ArcGIS Pro license is required.
  • For ArcGIS ServerArcGIS Pipeline Referencing uses the Location Referencing Services included in ArcGIS Server. The system requirements for ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing Server are the same as ArcGIS Server. An ArcGIS Server Standard or Advanced license and the Location Referencing Server license is required.

ArcMap with ArcGIS Server

ArcGIS Roads and Highways uses the Location Referencing functionality, which must be installed from the Location Referencing setup.

Location Referencing Desktop setup includes the following:

ArcGIS Roads and Highways Desktop

Location Referencing Server setup includes the following:

ArcGIS Roads and Highways

  • For ArcMapArcGIS Roads and Highways Desktop from the Location Referencing Desktop setup will need to be installed on the desktop machine with ArcMap. The system requirements are the same as ArcMap. An ArcMap Standard or Advanced license and the ArcGIS Roads and Highways Desktop license is required.
  • For ArcGIS ServerArcGIS Roads and Highways Server from the Location Referencing Server setup will need to be installed on the ArcGIS Server machine. The system requirements are the same as ArcGIS Server. An ArcGIS Server Standard or Advanced license and ArcGIS Roads and Highways Server license is required.

ArcGIS Pipeline Referencing

ArcGIS Pro Pipeline Referencing is more advanced than the ArcMap implementation. Therefore the ArcMap implementation is no longer available. Refer to the ArcGIS Pro with ArcGIS Server implementation section above.