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Install the ArcGIS Maritime server extension

ArcGIS 11.2 (Linux)  | |  Архив справки

Доступно с лицензией Standard или Advanced.

Доступно с лицензией Production Mapping.

Доступно с лицензией ArcGIS Maritime.

The following steps guide you through the ArcGIS Maritime server extension installation process.

Ensure that the following prerequisites are completed before installation:

Once the prerequisites are completed, follow the steps below to install the ArcGIS Maritime server extension:


The Maritime server installation must be performed from the same user account used to install ArcGIS GIS Server.

  1. Sign in to the machine as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Browse to the location that contains the MaritimeServerLinux-11.1.0.<build number>.tar.gz setup package and run the following command to uncompress it:
    $ tar -zxvf MaritimeServerLinux-11.1.0.<build number>.tar.gz
  3. Run to start the installation:
    $ ./ArcGISMaritimeServer/
  4. Browse to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/MaritimeServer to verify the contents of your uncompressed setup package.

    The package should contain the following:

    • Bin
      • MaritimeServer.soe
      • mcstpk.exe
      • web.config.xml
    • maritimechartservice folder with four subfolders:
      • controlfiles
      • datasets
      • logs
      • sencs

Maritime server is now installed on the local machine. To install Maritime server in a multimachine deployment, repeat the installation steps on each machine.

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