ArcGIS Monitor Administrator allows you to import existing monitor services and their counters. Complete these steps to import a monitor service and its counters from a .cpj file:
- Start Monitor Administrator.
The Connections view appears.
- Click Open on the Monitor Server application connection for which you want to import an existing monitor service.
The collection pane appears.
- Click the collection in the tree view for which you want to import an existing monitor service.
- Right-click the collection and click Import Monitor Service.
- Browse to the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Administrator\resources\app\collector\defs directory and choose the .cpj file for the monitor service you want to import.
To find the name of the monitor service for a .cpj file, open the file in a text editor. The service name is the name parameter located at the top of the file.
- Click Open.
The monitor service and counters are added to the collection and appear in the tree view.
- Click the imported monitor service in the tree view to choose it.
- Type a name for the monitor service in the Name text box.
- Click File and click Save.
- Right-click the monitor service and click Create Monitor Service.
- Start the Windows Services manager and verify that the monitor service was created and is running.
- Update monitor service credentials as necessary.
- Expand each counter type under the imported monitor service in the tree view.
- Click a counter under a counter type to choose it.
The Config tab appears.
- Click Test to test the imported counter.
The test results are displayed below the Test button.
- Click Save if the test was successful.
- Repeat steps 14 through 16 for each remaining counter.