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Troubleshoot email notification problems

Эта документация ArcGIS 10.8 была перемещена в архив и более не обновляется. Ресурсы и ссылки могут быть устаревшими. См. самую последнюю документацию.

If you’re having issues with email notifications, consider the following:

  • Check your email server settings and update them as necessary.
  • Check with your organization's IT group to see if authentication is required to connect to the SMTP server.
  • Make sure that the email address listed in the Admin Email text box for your email server settings matches the email address listed in the Contact Email text box for your collection.
  • Make sure that the ArcGIS Monitor Server service was restarted after making changes to the email server settings.
  • Make sure that the correct email address is listed in the Admin Email text box for your collection.
  • Check the email.log and emailDynamic.log located in <Installation location>:\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\logs for errors.
  • Check with your organization’s IT group to see if certain email addresses need to be approved to work.
  • When alerts occur, you'll only receive one immediate email notification. For another email notification to be sent, the issue must be cleared for a full cycle. If the issue hasn’t been resolved within a four-hour period, a reminder email is sent. If the error is no longer a problem, the counter alert is cleared and no additional emails are sent.
  • If the ArcGIS Monitor Server application is sending large volumes of email notifications (10 or more per hour), you can create separate email rules for each of your collections by criticality—for example: DataCenterA_Critical, DataCenterA_Warning, DataCenterB_Critical, DataCenterB_Warning, and so on.