ArcGIS Monitor 10.8.1 is provided as a set-up program and is executed using the Setup.exe file.
Upgrading ArcGIS Monitor requires that all ArcGIS Monitor related services be stopped. ArcGIS Monitor will be offline during the upgrade.
Prepare to upgrade ArcGIS Monitor
Before upgrading, carefully review the following information:
- You must first obtain your new authorization files from My Esri before upgrading to 10.8.1.
- Running the 10.8.1 set-up program automatically upgrades ArcGIS Monitor to 10.8.1. There's no need to obtain and install each previously released version in sequence, or to uninstall your previous version of ArcGIS Monitor.
- ArcGIS Monitor supports remote monitoring of the same release version of ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS as well as earlier supported versions.
Upgrade a centralized deployment
Perform the following steps to upgrade a centralized deployment:
- Log in as an administrative user on the machine where Monitor Administrator and Monitor Server are installed.
- Start Windows Services manager.
- Right-click the ArcGIS Monitor Server service and click Stop.
- Right-click each ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service and click Stop.
- Back up the config.db file in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\settings directory to another drive.
- Back up the ssl folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server directory to another drive.
- Back up the defs folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor Administrator\resources\app\collector directory to another drive.
- Close all applications on the computer.
- Download the ArcGIS Monitor set-up program from My Esri.
The set-up program starts automatically after the download has completed. You can manually start the set-up program by browsing to the location of the downloaded set-up files and double-clicking Setup.exe.
- During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
- When prompted to choose the components to install, choose ArcGIS Monitor Administrator and ArcGIS Monitor Server.
- If necessary, update the Install to path to match your existing ArcGIS Monitor installation path.
- When the ArcGIS Monitor Administrator installation is complete, add the license you obtained to the Software Authorization wizard that appears.
The Software Authorization Wizard can also be accessed from the ArcGIS Monitor folder on the Start menu.
- When the ArcGIS Monitor Server installation is complete, the ArcGIS Monitor Post Install dialog box appears with the previous ArcGIS Monitor Server installation's port and path settings automatically populated.
The ArcGIS Monitor Post Install dialog box can be accessed from the ArcGIS Monitor folder on the Start menu.
- Click Run Post Install.
If a replace file error appears, confirm that all instances of node.exe and ArcGIS_Administrator.exe are closed and click Retry.
- Click Yes to each of the Windows prompts.
- Start Windows Services manager and confirm that the ArcGIS Monitor Server service is running. If the service is not running, right-click it and click Restart.
If the ArcGIS Monitor Server service is missing, click Start > ArcGIS Monitor > ArcGIS Monitor Post Install to re-create the service.
- If your previous installation included custom SSL certificates, copy the contents of your backup ssl folder to <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\ssl to overwrite the default SSL certificates.
- Start Windows Services manager, right-click each of the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> services, and click Restart.
- Start ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.
- Click Open on the Monitor Server connection you want to open.
- Expand the collection name and the monitoring service.
- Expand each counter type under the monitor service in the tree view.
- Click a counter under a counter type to choose it.
The Config tab appears.
- Click Test to test the counter.
The test results are displayed below the Test button.
- Click Save if the test was successful.
- Repeat steps 24 through 26 for each remaining counter.
- If your deployment has extensions or tasks, download the latest versions from the ArcGIS Monitor gallery and refer to the PDF included with the extension for upgrade instructions.
Upgrade a distributed deployment
Perform the following steps to upgrade a distributed deployment:
- Log in to the machine on which ArcGIS Monitor Server is installed with a Windows administrator account.
- Start Windows Services manager.
- Right-click the ArcGIS Monitor Server service and click Stop.
- Back up the config.db file in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\settings directory to another drive.
- Back up the ssl folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server directory to another drive.
- Log in with a Windows administrator account on each machine where ArcGIS Monitor Administrator is installed.
- Start Windows Services manager.
- Right-click each ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> service and click Stop.
- Back up the defs folder in the <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor Administrator\resources\app\collector directory to another drive.
- Log in with a Windows administrator account on the machine where ArcGIS Monitor Server is installed.
- Close all applications on the computer.
- Download the ArcGIS Monitor set-up program from My Esri.
The set-up program starts automatically after the download has completed. You can manually start the set-up program by browsing to the location of the downloaded set-up files and double-clicking Setup.exe.
- During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
- When prompted to choose the components to install, choose ArcGIS Monitor Server.
- If necessary, update the Install to path to match your existing ArcGIS Monitor Server installation path.
When the ArcGIS Monitor Server installation is complete, the ArcGIS Monitor Post Install dialog box appears with the previous ArcGIS Monitor Server installation's port and path settings automatically populated.
The ArcGIS Monitor Post Install dialog box can be accessed from the ArcGIS Monitor folder on the Start menu.
- Click Run Post Install.
If a replace file error appears, confirm that all instances of node.exe and ArcGIS_Administrator.exe are closed and click Retry.
- Click Yes to each of the Windows prompts.
- Start Windows Services manager and confirm that the ArcGIS Monitor Server service is running. If the service is not running, right-click it and click Restart.
If the ArcGIS Monitor Server service is missing, click Start > ArcGIS Monitor > ArcGIS Monitor Post Install to re-create the service.
- If your previous installation included custom SSL certificates, copy the contents of your backup ssl folder to <Installation location>\ArcGIS Monitor\Server\ssl to overwrite the default SSL certificates.
- Log in to each machine where ArcGIS Monitor Administrator is installed.
- Close all applications on the computer.
- Download the ArcGIS Monitor set-up program from My Esri.
The set-up program starts automatically after the download has completed. You can manually start the set-up program by browsing to the location of the downloaded set-up files and double-clicking Setup.exe.
- During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
- When prompted to choose the components to install, choose ArcGIS Monitor Administrator.
- If necessary, update the Install to path to match your existing ArcGIS Monitor Administrator installation path.
- When the ArcGIS Monitor Administrator installation is complete, add the license you obtained to the Software Authorization Wizard that appears.
The Software Authorization Wizard can also be accessed from the ArcGIS Monitor folder on the Start menu.
- Start Windows Services manager, right-click each of the ArcGIS Monitor Service <Name> services, and click Restart.
- Start ArcGIS Monitor Administrator using a Windows administrative account.
- Click Open on the Monitor Server connection you want to open.
- Expand the collection name and the monitoring service.
- Expand each counter type under the monitor service in the tree view.
- Click a counter under a counter type to choose it.
The Config tab appears.
- Click Test to test the counter.
The test results are displayed below the Test button.
- Click Save if the test was successful.
- Repeat steps 32 through 34 for each remaining counter.
- If your deployment has extensions or tasks, download the latest versions from the ArcGIS Monitor gallery and refer to the PDF included with the extension for upgrade instructions.