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View catalog status and reports

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The ArcGIS Monitor Server application provides the status of your collections and reports with statistics for counters grouped by collection and counter type. The steps in the following sections allow you to view collection status, alerts, monitor failures, and reports.

View collection status

Complete these steps to view the status of your collections:

  1. Follow the steps in Access the ArcGIS Monitor Server application.
  2. Click the Site drop-down menu and click Catalog.

    The Collection Status view appears.

  3. Do the following to view alerts and monitor failures:
    • Click a collection in the tree view to display a high-level summary of alerts and monitor status grouped by counter type.
    • Expand a collection and click a counter type to display a high-level summary of alerts and monitor status.
    • Expand a counter type, and click a counter name to display details and additional status information for select counter types.

View counter reports

Complete these steps to view counter reports with statistics:

  1. Follow the steps in Access the ArcGIS Monitor Server application.
  2. Click the Site drop-down menu and choose Catalog.

    The Collection Status view appears.

  3. Expand a collection, counter type, and counter name in the tree view.
  4. Click a counter to view the report.

    The report appears with statistics displayed in a chart view and a table view.


    Depending on the counter type you expand, you may need to expand additional items to view the counters.

  5. Click one of the predefined range buttons for the report or choose a time range using the date and time drop-down menus and click OK.

    When the time span of a report is less than 12 hours, charts display real-time data values at the collection interval. When the time span of a report is greater than 12 hours, the chart displays hourly averages. As a result, the chart is flattened and does not show true values. Table statistics always display true values for minimum, maximum, percentile, and so on, regardless of the time span.

For more information about the statistics included in the table view, see Statistics glossary.

В этом разделе
  1. View collection status
  2. View counter reports