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Adding DGN and DWG data: Deployment guide

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This deployment guide shows you how to add DGN and DWG data visualization capability to the ArcGIS Event Editor.


You will need one .dgn or .dwg file and one .prj file with the same name to accomplish this task. The deployment is shown with a .dgn file as an example.

  1. Запустите ArcCatalog
  2. Double-click the Convert CAD to Feature Dataset tool under EventEditor > Tools > Location Referencing Server Tools.
    Convert CAD to Feature Dataset script
  3. Select an input .dgn file.
    Providing inputs to the Convert CAD to Feature Dataset tool

    This .dgn file should already exist in your data directory.

  4. Select an input .prj file.

    This .prj file should already exist in your data directory.

  5. Click OK again.

    The Convert CAD to Feature Dataset tool runs.

  6. Click Close after the tool runs successfully.
  7. Запустите ArcMap.
  8. On the Geoprocessing menu, click Results.

    The Results window appears in ArcMap.

  9. In the Results window, right-click the Current Session node, then click Share As > Geoprocessing Service.

    The Share as Service dialog box appears.

  10. Click the Publish a service option.
  11. Click Next.
  12. In the Service name text box, type ConvertCADToFeatureDataset.
  13. Click Next.
  14. Use an existing folder or create a folder for housing the published service.
  15. Click Continue.

    The Service Editor window appears.

  16. Click the Geoprocessing tab and ensure that the Uploads check box is checked.
  17. Click the Parameters tab and check the View results with a map service check box.
  18. Click Publish.

    Two services are created. You can access them in ArcCatalog. The DGN visualization capability is now enabled in the ArcGIS Event Editor.

    • ConvertCADToFeatureDataset (GPServer)
    • ConvertCADToFeatureDataset (MapServer)

    The published services

Limiting the upload file size

Use the following steps to limit the size of the .dgn file:

  1. Browse to your \\<EventEditor>\ folder and open the Config.json file in a text editor such as Microsoft Notepad.
  2. Search for the text maxUploadBytes and provide the value max file size in bytes (10485760 in this case).
    Searching text in config.json file

    The file size limit will be shown as megabytes (MB) to users on the Add DGN Data dialog box.

    Showing file size limit on the Add DGN Data dialog box

В этом разделе
  1. Limiting the upload file size