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Experience Builder widgets for ArcGIS Roads and Highways

ArcGIS 11.3  | |  Архив справки

Roads and Highways widgets are available in ArcGIS Experience Builder. These widgets are available in the Location Referencing group when creating an experience in Experience Builder in an ArcGIS Enterprise portal. They can be deployed individually to create specific-use apps, such as a route search or crash entry app, or with multiple widgets in an app, such as an event editor replacement.

Roads and Highways widgets

The following widgets are available and work with Roads and Highways data:

  • Search by Route—Search for specific locations on routes by route and measure, coordinates, or offset.
  • LRS Identify—Get route, measure, and event attribute information at a location with one click.
  • Add Point Event—Add one or more LRS point events at a location on a route.
  • Add Line Event—Add one or more LRS linear events across a measure range of a route (or routes if the events span more than one route).
  • Split Events—Split an event at a location into two events with new attributes.
  • Merge Events—Merge two or more adjacent events into a single event with updated attributes.

You can also use template apps when configuring common apps that use these widgets.

Experience Builder setup

To use the Roads and Highways widgets, create a web experience.


The Roads and Highways widgets must be associated with a Map widget that has LRS layers published with the Linear Referencing and Version Management capabilities.