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What's new for ArcGIS Maritime

Эта документация ArcGIS 10.8 была перемещена в архив и более не обновляется. Ресурсы и ссылки могут быть устаревшими. См. самую последнюю документацию.

The 10.8.1 release of ArcGIS Maritime contains several enhancements.


For a complete list of enhancements and issues addressed, see the product download page.

New at 10.8.1

Maritime Chart Service

The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service:

  • MaritimeServer.soe is now based on ArcGIS Pro libraries. It must be enabled on map services published through ArcGIS Pro.

  • Added support for custom symbology. This allows users to enable the use of SVG symbols and custom presentation rules instead of traditional S-52.

  • Added a new display parameter named MovingCentroid. When enabled, area features with point symbols or text being displayed will have that information centered based on the area remaining in your display after each export or Getmap request.

  • Enhanced placement rules for area point symbology and text during senc creation.

  • Identify operation's layer parameter now honors a select list of layers to limit the features being returned.

  • Added support for creating Zones of Confidence Diagram in Products on Demand.

    • New serverconfiguration.xml setting to control color values

    • New export parameter to generate diagram.

Additional REST parameters were implemented for the following supported operations:




When used with &limit, you can offset the number of records being returned. This allows you to page through the results if the record count exceed the limit value.



This is a hidden parameter. When appended to the export operation it will return a scaled version of the display for a Zones of Confidence Diagram, symbolized with the colors specified in your serverconfiguration.xml file. The allowable range is >=1 && =<50 but the recommended value is 10.

Products on Demand

  • Custom symbology using SVG is available to override the S-52 presentation library:
    • Point symbols are available to use and modify
    • Customsymbolmap.xml defines the attributes for SVG symbol override
  • Zones of Confidence Diagram is created as an additional page to the Product on Demand output PDF.
  • Serverconfiguration.xml contains the following:
    • Color values for Zones of Confidence Diagram
    • Switch to enable custom symbology
  • PoD web app for Custom Product and Fixed Product are separated into two user interfaces.

New at 10.8

Maritime Chart Service

The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service:

  • Added support for multiple data suppliers during .senc generation.
  • ViewOverGroups—Added a new data quality group 31010 and the layer was turned off by default. 31010 was originally in the Information about the chart display layer.
  • ViewOverGroups_HMI_Example_Expanded—Added a new data quality group 31010 and the layer was turned off by default. 31010 was originally in the Other Miscellaneous layer.
  • Added a new Axis Order option in the crs.xml file to override the standard northing and easting order.

Products on Demand

Layers can now be added to your map from your ArcGIS Online account, or your organization's portal.


Viewing group 31010 for Data Quality has now replaced the Data Quality parameter. This turns the data quality symbol on/off.

В этом разделе
  1. New at 10.8.1
  2. New at 10.8