When a job is created, the job's first step is assigned to a user or group and is ready to be started. You must start most jobs manually, but in some cases, you can run the first few steps of a job automatically to update job settings that aren't defined in the job template. When you want to work on a job, access the Work page to view a list of jobs with steps that have been assigned to you. You can also work on steps in jobs that have not been assigned to you if you have sufficient privileges to reassign the active step for a job to yourself.
If you don’t have sufficient privileges, you don’t see the Work tab.
Each step in a job may display the following options when it's running or waiting to be run:
- Start Step
—Start the current step.
- Pause Step
—Temporarily stop the progress of a running step.
- Complete Step
—Complete the current step.
- Cancel Step
—Stop the current step without saving the step's progress.
- Resume Step
—Continue working on a step that isn't paused or canceled.
- Step On Hold
—The step is on hold and can't be run until the hold is released.
- Step On Hold
—The step is set to run on a schedule and can't be run until the scheduled release date or until the hold is released.
When a step is run, it performs the actions defined in the workflow diagram, and the job tile changes to reflect the behavior of that action. For example, you may be prompted to answer a question or provide a location for the job on the map.
Learn more about step types and their behaviors
Once you finish a step, one of the following actions may occur:
- Another step in the job is assigned to you.
- Another step in the job is assigned to you and additional steps are made available and assigned to other people.
- No additional steps require your attention and the job can be removed from the job list.
- The job completes and can be removed from the job list.
The job tile automatically informs you about what needs to be done. The path the job takes through the workflow diagram depends on the result of each completed step. Once you have completed your assigned steps for a job, you can start working on another job.