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Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

ArcGIS Data Store 注册到您设置为 ArcGIS for Server 托管服务器的 Portal for ArcGIS 站点。必须将此系统中的所有组件升级到同一版本。


请注意,必须在升级 ArcGIS for Server 前先升级 ArcGIS Data Store


升级 ArcGIS Data Store 之前

升级 ArcGIS Data Store 之前,必须先为要升级的 ArcGIS Data Store 版本下载相应的安装文件 并对您的数据存储进行备份,然后才能升级 ArcGIS for ServerPortal for ArcGIS。如果您正在使用时空大数据存储存档高容量数据,则您必须同时升级 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server 安装。

  1. 下载最新的 ArcGIS Data Store 软件安装文件,请访问 My Esri
  2. 运行 exportmanageddb 以创建关系数据存储以及切片缓存数据存储的完整备份。确保您的导出文件存储在远程安全位置。
  3. 升级 Portal for ArcGIS、门户 web adaptor、ArcGIS for Server 及其 web adaptor 和 ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server(如果您已安装该程序)。遵循 Portal for ArcGIS 管理员指南中升级 Portal for ArcGIS 及其相关主题的说明来升级您的门户和服务器。

Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

The ArcGIS Data Storesetup package is capable of upgrading an earlier version currently installed on you Linux system.

  1. From the command prompt, launch the latest ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store setup script as the same user used to install the existing earlier version, for example, <CD ROOT or untar directory>/Setup.


    To launch the setup script from the ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store setup media, click the setup script, and select the Run in Terminal button.


    You do not have to stop the ArcGIS Data Store service manually to upgrade; the setup script will stop it for you.

  2. The setup will detect your existing earlier version of ArcGIS Data Store on the target machine and prompt you to continue or exit the upgrade. For example:

    ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store (Linux)
    Your ArcGIS 10.3 Data Store is installed at:
    Confirm Settings
    Product to upgrade:             ArcGIS 10.3 Data Store (Linux)
    Location to upgrade:            /home/ags/arcgis/datastore
    Your ArcGIS 10.3 Data Store will be stopped when performing the upgrade 
    and ArcGIS 10.4.1 Data Store will be started after the upgrade completes
      'y' to continue with these settings
      'q' to exit without upgrading this product
    Enter choice [y,q] (y):

  3. Type y and press Enter to accept the detected settings and continue with the update.


    Wait while ArcGIS Data Store is upgraded to 10.4.1. This may take several minutes.


升级 ArcGIS Data Store 计算机之后,您必须使用升级之前的同一 ArcGIS Server 站点重新配置数据存储。

  • 要重新配置同一计算机上运行的备用关系数据存储或关系数据存储以及切片缓存数据存储,请使用数据存储配置向导configuredatastore 命令实用程序。
  • 如果仅使用切片缓存数据存储(用于场景图层切片缓存),但有自己的托管数据库,则使用 configuredatastore 命令实用程序来重新配置备用切片缓存数据存储。
  • 要重新配置时空大数据存储,请使用 configuredatastore 命令实用程序。


ArcGIS Server 站点、门户和所有 ArcGIS Data Store 计算机升级到最新版本后,现有托管 Web 图层可供使用,并且您可从 GeoEvent 发布新托管要素图层和托管场景图层,并存档数量庞大的观察数据。