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Install the ArcGIS Maritime server extension silently

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在 Standard 或 Advanced 许可等级下可用。

获得 Production Mapping 许可后可用。

获得 ArcGIS Maritime 许可后可用。

The ArcGIS Maritime server extension can be installed without a user interface by running the setup.exe command from the Command Prompt window.

Installation prerequisites include the following:

In certain scenarios, the ArcGIS Server account can be set to the LocalSystem account before installing the Maritime server extension. In these scenarios, it is recommended that you change the ArcGIS Server account by running the Configure ArcGIS Server Account utility.

Learn more about changing the ArcGIS Server account.

Complete the following steps to install the Maritime server extension silently:

  1. Open a Command Prompt window.
  2. Browse to the directory where the setup.exe file is located.
  3. Use the following command to install the software silently:
    <Path to ArcGIS Maritime server extension>\setup.exe /qb

To install the Maritime server extension in an ArcGIS Server multimachine deployment, run this command on each machine in the site.
