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Enable compass rose

ArcGIS 11.2 (Windows)  | |  帮助归档

Nautical charts have a compass rose to delineate true north and magnetic north, as well as assist with angles for orientation, bearing, and traversing routes. In Custom Chart Builder (CCB), you need to enable the compass rose functionality so that you can manually add the compass rose before exporting a product.

Enable the compass rose in the configuration file

A 3-inch compass rose is the default symbol used in the web app. You can enable the compass rose in the JavaScript configuration file. The CCB web app must be configured and deployed before enabling the compass rose.

  1. Browse to the CCB folder in your web root folder.

    For example, browse to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ccb if you are deploying the web app using Internet Information Server (IIS).

  2. Open the ccbconfig.js web app configuration file located in the js folder.
  3. Locate enableCompassRose: false and replace false with true.
  4. Save and close the ccbconfig.js file.

Compass rose layer file

The CompassRose.lyrx file stores label properties, symbols, and label expressions. Two label classes are available: S4 delineation and US delineation. Each label class contains different Python scripts, which can be enabled, disabled, or modified using labels for point features.

Below are examples of each label class:

S4_delineation label expression example—9º 30'E 2023 (5'E)

US_delineation label expression example—VAR 9º 30'E (2023) ANNUAL CHANGE 5'E

Learn more about creating label expressions