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Create a connection to the ArcGIS Monitor Server application

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Before you can begin monitoring your enterprise GIS, you'll need to create a connection to the ArcGIS Monitor Server application. Complete these steps to create a connection to the Monitor Server application for ArcGIS Monitor Administrator to write to the MongoDB database:

  1. Start Monitor Administrator.

    The Connections view appears.

  2. Click Add Connection in the lower left corner of the Connections view.

    The New Connection dialog box appears.

  3. Type a name for the connection in the Name text box.
  4. Type the host name and port number in the Server text box for the machine where the Monitor Server application is installed.

    The Monitor Server application port number was configured during the ArcGIS Monitor software installation.

  5. Type the Monitor Server application user credentials in the User and Password text boxes.

    The Monitor Server application user name and password were configured during the ArcGIS Monitor software installation.

  6. 单击添加

    The Monitor Server application connection appears under Connections.

Now that you’ve added a connection to the Monitor Server application, continue with Register a collection.