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The Event Editor security model

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The following workflow defines the recommended security model for protecting data in the ArcGIS Event Editor. You can configure multiple instances of Event Editor for different user groups and use Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA), Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online to protect the data in the map service deployed in each Event Editor instance.

  1. Open and publish a linear referencing-capable map service for each Event Editor user group.

    As a best practice, add only the event layers necessary for the group's workflow.

  2. Open Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online in a web browser and set permissions for each map service published.
  3. Browse to your EventEditor folder and copy the configuration file. By default, this file is named config.json.
  4. Rename the file. Change the webmap properties to point to the map service you published and configured in steps 1 through 3.
  5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 as necessary for each Event Editor user group.

User groups can now access their own instance of Event Editor through a URL parameter:


Only users with sufficient privileges will be permitted to view and edit the contents of this Event Editor instance.