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Microsoft Azure database requirements for ArcGIS 10.8.x and ArcGIS Pro 2.5 and 2.6

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Supported cloud-based database service editions and versions

The following versions of Microsoft Azure database service offerings are supported with ArcGIS:

  • Microsoft Azure SQL Database and Microsoft Azure Managed Instance*—Version 12
  • Microsoft Azure Database for PostgreSQL—Versions 9.6.15, 10.9,and 11.4

*Changes Microsoft Azure has made for Managed Instances may prevent deployment using ArcGIS Enterprise Cloud Builder for Microsoft Azure. If you experience issues, use Microsoft Azure portal to create the instance.

Database requirements/limitations

ArcGIS connections to Microsoft Azure must originate from machines within Microsoft Azure and connections should originate from machines within the same Azure region.

See the following Microsoft Azure documentation for more information on these database offerings:

Software required to connect to a DBMS

客户端计算机(例如,正在运行 ArcGIS ProArcMapArcGIS Server 的计算机)需要安装适用于所用 RDBMS 的客户端文件。这些客户端文件可通过相应的 RDBMS 供应商获取。有关详细信息,请参阅数据库客户端