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What's new for ArcGIS Maritime

The latest release of ArcGIS Maritime contains several enhancements.


For a complete list of enhancements and issues addressed, see the product download page.

New at 10.9.1

Maritime Chart Service

The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service:

  • All bugs and enhancements through the release of 10.9 Patch 8 are available.
  • HTTPS error response codes for supported operations are standardized.

Custom Chart Builder (CCB)

The following enhancements were made for Custom Chart Builder (CCB):

  • Display properties now supports moving centroid, display light sectors, display safe soundings, remove duplicate text, text halo, display AIO features, and display bathymetric iENC.
  • A spinning cursor now appears when the app is calculating the extent of the area of interest.

New at 10.9

Maritime Chart Service

The following enhancements were made for Maritime Chart Service:

  • Added support for custom symbology. This allows you to enable the use of SVG symbols and custom presentation rules instead of traditional S-52.
  • Added a new display parameter named DisplayBathymetricIENC. When set to True, Bathymetric Inland ENC datasets display in priority over underlying ENC or IENC datasets according to the Bathymetric Inland ENC product specification.
  • Added support for multiple S-63 schema administrator certificates. IHO.CRT is the default certificate, but you can now add more CRT files to the service.
  • The zocScale export parameter now automatically filters out dataset extents as part of the response.
  • LUA support has been added to custom symbology.
  • Inland ENC presentation library has been updated to support IENC 2.4 and IENC 2.5 datasets.

Custom Chart Builder (CCB)

  • Products on Demand has been renamed to Custom Chart Builder (CCB).
  • Lua program language is available for use in custom symbology.
  • Lua scripts can override the S-52 presentation library to provide a paper chart-like view of S-57 data.

  1. New at 10.9.1
  2. New at 10.9