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Available Python libraries

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Each notebook runtime in ArcGIS Notebook Server packages a precise list of Python libraries, including a specific version of each. If you need a library that is not in either runtime by default, you can extend a notebook runtime to include it.

The following documents provide a complete list of the Python libraries packaged in each default runtime:

10.7.1 Python Libraries

10.7 Python Libraries

An up-to-date list of each library included in each runtime, including their versions, is also available in the Administrator Directory. Follow the steps below to access a runtime's manifest.

  1. Log in to the directory as an administrator. The URL is formatted
  2. Navigate to Notebooks > Runtimes, and click on the runtime you want to review.
  3. On the runtime's details page, click Manifest.

The manifest resource provides a JSON representation of each Python library included in the runtime.