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Enabling the linear referencing capability

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Mit der Location Referencing-Lizenz verfügbar.

Creating the map document

Before publishing a linear referencing service, you must use ArcGIS Pro to create a map document that contains at least one LRS Network or an event layer.

Learn more about making your data accessible to ArcGIS Server

Publishing a linear referencing-capable map service in ArcGIS Pro

After you create and save your map document with symbology using ArcGIS Pro, you can create the map service with linear referencing capability.


When publishing the resource in ArcGIS Pro, make sure the Linear Referencing check box is checked

Share As Web Layer pane

Using the service

A map service with linear referencing capability can be used to build web-based and connected mobile linear referencing apps. In addition, Event Editor consumes your data from this type of map service.

Learn more about authoring a web map for Event Editor