You can secure access to Roadway Reporter using a OAuth 2-based authentication mechanism. To enable OAuth 2-based authentication in Roadway Reporter, you must first register the web application with either Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online. If you would like to use a secured map service, you must register the Roadway Reporter web application with Portal for ArcGIS in order to federate your ArcGIS Server site with Portal to support single sign-in.
- Sign in to your Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online account to add and register the Roadway Reporter web application.
- Open the Roadway Reporter configuration file.
- Browse to tokenSecurity and set enable to true.
By default, refreshTokenExpiration is set to one week. The refresh token is not renewed once it expires, and you will be prompted to sign in to your portal upon refresh token expiration.
- Specify the appID, startupUrl, and rootUrl. For more information, see Configuring Portal for Roadway Reporter.
Start the Roadway Reporter web application in a web browser. Use your portal credentials to sign in. Once the supplied credentials are verified by Portal for ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online, you will be directed to a secure Roadway Reporter environment.