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Accessing report configurations shared by others

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You can access report configurations that other members of the same Portal for ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online for organizations account have shared with you.

  1. Sign in to the Roadway Reporter app using your ArcGIS organizational account.
  2. Go to the Reports page and click the Shared Reports button Shared Reports.
    Accessing the report configurations shared by others
    Accessing the report configurations shared by others

    The Shared Reports section Shared Reports contains report configurations others have shared with you.

  3. Choose a saved report configuration.
    • If you click the All Shared Reports button All Shared Reports, all the reports others have shared with you are listed.
    • The individual users who have shared reports with you are listed below All Shared Reports. If you click an individual's User button User, all the reports that user has shared with you are listed.
    • You can either edit or run the report configuration that is shared by others.