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Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

ArcGIS Data Store is registered with an ArcGIS for Server site, which you set as a Portal for ArcGIS hosting server. You must upgrade all components of this system to the same version.


Be aware that you must upgrade ArcGIS for Server before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store.

Follow the instructions in this topic and its related topics to upgrade:

Before you upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

Before you can upgrade ArcGIS Data Store, you must download the installation files for the ArcGIS Data Store release to which you want to upgrade, make a backup of your data store, and upgrade ArcGIS for Server and Portal for ArcGIS. If you are using a spatiotemporal big data store to archive high-volume data, you must also upgrade your ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server installation.

  1. Download the latest ArcGIS Data Store software installation files from My Esri.
  2. Run exportmanageddb to create a full backup of relational and tile cache data stores. Be sure your exported files are stored in a remote, secure location.
  3. Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS, the portal's web adaptor, ArcGIS for Server, and its web adaptor, and ArcGIS GeoEvent Extension for Server (if you have it installed). Follow the instructions in Upgrade Portal for ArcGIS in the Portal for ArcGIS administrator guide and its related topics to upgrade your portal and its servers.

Upgrade ArcGIS Data Store

ArcGIS Data Store is provided as a setup program named Setup.exe. You can upgrade using the setup program (an interactive wizard-driven experience), or run Setup.exe from a command prompt or script to silently upgrade ArcGIS Data Store.


Upgrading ArcGIS Data Store will restart your service.

Upgrade using the setup program

  1. Double-click Setup.exe to launch the setup program.
  2. During the installation, read the license agreement and accept it, or exit if you do not agree with the terms.
  3. If you accept the license agreement, the ArcGIS Data Store setup program displays the features that will be installed.
  4. The account used by your existing installation is prepopulated in the ArcGIS Data Store input box. Provide the password for the account. Typically, this is the password you defined when installing the software. If the password has changed since you installed the software, you need to provide the password you designated when modifying the account. If the password is not validated successfully, an error message is displayed indicating the password is invalid. If you are unsure of the password for the account, contact your system administrator.


    Earlier versions of ArcGIS Data Store used the Local System account to create the ArcGIS Data Store service. At version 10.4 and later, you specify a local user or domain user account to start the ArcGIS Data Store service. If you are upgrading from ArcGIS Data Store 10.3 or 10.3.1, you must manually provide this account full control to your ArcGIS Data Store content directory (the default location is C:\arcgisdatastore).

  5. To complete the installation, follow the directions on the screen.

Silently upgrade

Rather than run the setup program, you can run the Setup.exe file at a command prompt or in a batch script.

When silently upgrading using Setup.exe, you must specify the account used by the software. Typically, this is the account you defined when installing the software. If the account has changed since you installed, you need to provide the user name and password you designated when modifying the account.


Earlier versions of ArcGIS Data Store used the Local System account to create the ArcGIS Data Store service. At version 10.4 and later, you specify a local user or domain user account to start the ArcGIS Data Store service. If you are upgrading from ArcGIS Data Store 10.3 or 10.3.1, you must manually provide this account full control to your ArcGIS Data Store content directory (the default location is C:\arcgisdatastore).

If you do not specify the account, or it does not match the account used by your current installation, the installation process displays a message indicating the credentials could not be validated. As a result, the installation will exit.

In the following example, the account used by the software is myaccount:

<path to ArcGIS Data Store setup download folder>\Setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

For example, to run the command with a domain account, such as mydomain\myaccount, with the password 4myI.s0nly, type the following:

\\machinename\mydownloadfolder\Setup.exe /qb USER_NAME=mydomain\myaccount PASSWORD=4myI.s0nly


Command line parameters are case sensitive. If you are having trouble upgrading, confirm the case matches the properties as shown in the examples.

Reconfigure the data store

After you upgrade an ArcGIS Data Store machine, you must reconfigure the data store with the same ArcGIS Server site you were using before upgrading.

  • To reconfigure a standby relational data store or relational and tile cache data store running on the same machine, use either the Data Store Configuration wizard or configuredatastore command utility.
  • If you are using only a tile cache data store (used for scene layer tile caches) but have your own managed database, use the configuredatastore command utility to reconfigure the standby tile cache data store.
  • To reconfigure a spatiotemporal big data store, use the configuredatastore command utility.

Once you have upgraded and reconfigured the primary relational or tile cache data store or the first spatiotemporal big data store, repeat the upgrade and reconfiguration steps for the standby relational or tile cache data store or all additional spatiotemporal big data stores.

When the ArcGIS Server site, portal, and all ArcGIS Data Store machines are upgraded to the latest release, your existing hosted web layers are available for use, and you can publish new hosted feature layers and hosted scene layers, and archive high-volume observation data from GeoEvent.