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Configure the Map Production System app

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Available with Defense Mapping license.

You can reduce production times with the self-serve Map Production System (MPS) web app to export map products. To take advantage of the app's functionality, the product data files for the ArcGIS Defense Mapping server extension are required. You'll need to copy the included MPS app files from the product data files to the Portal for ArcGIS app location.

Once ArcGIS Enterprise is set up and the product files are installed, the process to configure the MPS app starts with configuring your portal, followed by creating a web map to share to your ArcGIS organization. This is the web map from which the MPS web app is created and configured with the map services necessary for the data and map products the MPS app will be used to produce.

The following list contains the high-level steps necessary to configure the MPS app:

  1. Configure your Enterprise portal for the MPS web app.
  2. Create a web map in ArcGIS Pro.
  3. Share the web map you create.
  4. Create the web app.
  5. Configure the MPS web app.

Configure your Enterprise portal for the MPS web app

Groups provide a way to organize items in your portal and control access to them. You can use a group to share the default app in your portal and associate the ArcGIS Configurable Apps. Complete the following steps to create and share the group:

  1. Verify that you are signed in to your Enterprise portal and have privileges to create groups.
  2. Click Groups at the top of the site and from the My Groups tab, click Create group.
  3. Provide a group name, summary, and an tags.
  4. Optionally, upload an image to represent the group.

    You can drag an image or browse to a file. Add a PNG, JPEG, or GIF image file that is 400 by 400 pixels or larger for best results.

  5. Click By adding themselves under How can people join this group?.

    You can leave the default choices for the remaining questions.

  6. Click Save.

    The group is saved and the Overview page for it appears.

  7. Click Organization, then the Settings tab.
  8. Click Map and scroll to the Configurable apps section.
  9. Click Default and choose the group you created.

    A notification that the Configurable Apps group was updated successfully appears.

  10. Click Share the Esri default configurable apps with group.

    A notification that the Esri default Configurable Apps were shared successfully appears.

  11. Use the primary search text box to search for Production in your Enterprise organization.

    The ArcGIS Production Mapping Map Production System (MPS) web app appears in the search results.


    You can choose the app from the results that appear as you provide search terms in the search text box.

  12. On the MPS web app Overview page, click Share.

    The Share dialog box appears.

  13. Click Edit group sharing and specify the group you created, then click OK.
  14. Click Save.

    A notification that the MPS web app's sharing has been updated appears.

A group has been created and the Configurable Apps have been shared to that group, and the MPS app has been associated with that group. You can now create the web map in ArcGIS Pro from which you can create the MPS web app.

Create a web map in ArcGIS Pro

The MPS app uses a web map that you create in ArcGIS Pro. This map contains the area of interest (AOI) layers for the map products to be created using the MPS web app.

Complete the following steps to prepare the web map that the MPS app will use:

  1. Start ArcGIS Pro.
  2. Open the map project you'll use to add AOI layers.
  3. Add the AOI layers for the map products you want to create.

    The ArcGIS Pro product data files include map product AOI layers that you can add.

  4. Save the map.

The map is ready to be shared.

Share the web map

The web map with AOI layers must be shared to your Enterprise portal so that the MPS web app can access it. Complete the following steps in ArcGIS Pro to share your web map so that the MPS app can access it:

  1. If necessary, start ArcGIS Pro and open the project with your web map.
  2. Ensure you are signed in to the portal to which you want to share the web map and that you have publishing permission.

    Sharing a web map to an Enterprise portal requires publishing permissions.

  3. Click the Share tab.

    The Share As Web Map pane appears.

  4. Provide a name, summary, and tags for your web map.
  5. Specify a configuration for your web map.
  6. In the Share with section, specify whether the web map will be shared with everyone or your organization by clicking the corresponding check box.
  7. Click the Groups drop-down arrow and check the corresponding check box for the group you created.
  8. Click Share.

The web map is shared to your portal and you can create a web app from it.

Create the web app

Once the web map is in your portal, you can create a web app from it. Complete the following steps to create the MPS web app from the web map you created and shared.

  1. In your Enterprise portal, click the Content tab and find the web map you shared that contains your AOI layers.
  2. Click the web map to open the Overview page for it.
  3. Click the Create Web App drop-down arrow and choose Configurable Apps.

    The Create a web app dialog box appears.

  4. Find the ArcGIS Production Mapping Map Production System (MPS) web app and click it.

    A pane in the dialog box appears.

  5. Click Create Web App.
  6. Provide the title, tags, summary, and folder.
  7. Click Done.

The MPS web app is created and needs to be configured.

Learn more about creating a web app from a web map

Configure the MPS web app

Additional configurations are required to complete the MPS web app. Complete the following steps to configure it to use the map services for the data and products you want to create:

  1. Locate the web app you created and click it so that the Overview page for it opens.
  2. Click View.

    The Map Production System dialog box appears that contains the configuration settings for the app.

  3. Modify or retain the values for the Title, Subtitle, and Theme as necessary.
  4. Click the Always require login check box to require that users sign in to the portal even if the services used by the app are shared publicly.
  5. Click the Service Settings text box to reveal the options you can specify and choose one to populate the text box. Click the plus symbol to add the option you specified to the app.
  6. Click the Product Settings text box to reveal the options you can specify and choose one to populate the text box. Click the plus symbol to add the option you specified to the app.
  7. Configure each product setting you specify by clicking its drop-down arrow.
    1. Specify a corresponding AOI layer in the Area of Interest Layer text box.
    2. Specify a basemap.
    3. Specify an extent.
  8. Optionally, if you have Enterprise 11.0 or later and are exporting a PDF or TIFF, specify the map products for Export Presets by clicking the Selected Products drop-down arrow and choosing a map product.
  9. Click Update to save your configuration.

    The app settings are saved.

  10. Click Close.

The Map Production System dialog box closes and the MPS web app opens and is ready for use.