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Install the ArcGIS Maritime server extension

ArcGIS 11.1 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

Available with Standard or Advanced license.

Available with Production Mapping license.

Available with ArcGIS Maritime license.

The following steps will guide you through the ArcGIS Maritime server extension installation process.

Ensure that the following prerequisites are complete before installation:

Once the prerequisites are completed, follow the steps below to install the ArcGIS Maritime server extension:


The Maritime server installation must be performed from the same user account used to install ArcGIS GIS Server.

  1. Sign in to the machine as a user with administrative privileges.
  2. Browse to the location that contains MaritimeServerLinux-11.1.0.<build number>.tar.gz setup package and run the following command to uncompress it:
    $ tar -zxvf MaritimeServerLinux-11.1.0.<build number>.tar.gz
  3. Run to start the installation:
    $ ./ArcGISMaritimeServer/
  4. Browse to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/MaritimeServer to verify the contents of your uncompressed setup package.

    The package should contain the following:

    • Bin
      • MaritimeServer.soe
      • mcstpk.exe
    • maritimechartservice folder with four subfolders:
      • controlfiles
      • datasets
      • logs
      • sencs

Maritime server is now installed on the local machine. To install Maritime server in a multimachine deployment, repeat the installation steps on each machine.

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