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Configure ArcGIS Maritime

ArcGIS 11.4 (Linux)  | |  Help archive

Available with Standard or Advanced license.

Available with Production Mapping license.

Available with ArcGIS Maritime license.

ArcGIS Maritime uses a server object extension (SOE). The SOE must be added to an ArcGIS Server site using ArcGIS Server Manager to enable Maritime Chart Service functionality for a map service.

Review the following requirements before setting up the service:

  • Mapped network drives are not recommended for the workspaceDirectories property setting due to potential performance issues. It is recommended that the .senc files be stored on the physical server.
  • Maritime Chart Service can only be enabled on a dedicated instance type. Shared instance pools are not supported.
  • Maritime Chart Service will exceed a URL length of 2,048 characters if you use display properties in the GET request. POST requests are not necessarily supported in all third-party apps. If you cannot support POST requests in your apps, it is recommended that you increase the allowable URL length using a web.config file.
  • A sample web.config file is provided in the Bin folder. The default location is <ArcGIS Maritime installation location>/MaritimeServer/Bin.
  • It is recommended that you increase the map service's javaHeapSize value from the default 128 MB to 2048 MB or greater, depending on your system resources and the number of datasets in your service. The queryDataset operation can exceed this default limit.
  • It is recommended that you set the minimum and maximum number of instances per machine to 1. This ensures that when the map service that has Maritime Chart Service (MCS) enabled is started, the cataloging process starts automatically. Without changing this setting to 1, a request must be made to one of the Maritime Chart Service endpoints to start the cataloging process. During the cataloging process, MCS scans the datasets folder and builds the necessary .senc files. For more information about changing instance settings, refer to Configure service instance settings.

To ensure that NOBJNM values are displayed correctly, verify that your system has the ARIALUNI.TTF font installed.

Enable Maritime Chart Service

To enable Maritime Chart Service, complete the following steps:


The setup steps provide default locations and names to deploy the configuration files. The name of the Maritime Chart Service folder and location may differ depending on your organization's requirements.

  1. Create a folder named maritimeserver in the ArcGIS Server site at /home/<ArcGIS Server account>/argis/server/usr/directories/.

    If the directories folder doesn't exist, verify that the ArcGIS Server site has been created.

    Learn more about creating an ArcGIS Server site

  2. Copy the maritimechartservice folder from the Maritime server installation location to the maritimeserver folder created in step 1.

    The default location is /home/<ArcGIS Server account>/arcgis/server/MaritimeServer.

  3. Sign in to ArcGIS Server Manager.
  4. Click Site.
  5. In the Server Configuration window, click Extensions.
  6. Click Add Extension.
  7. Click Choose File and browse to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/MaritimeServer/Bin.
  8. Double-click MaritimeServer.soe.
  9. Click Add.

    The MaritimeServer.soe file is added.

  10. Click the Services tab.
  11. Click the map service to which you want to add Maritime Chart Service.

    Maritime Chart Service works with any existing map service.

  12. Click Capabilities and check the Maritime Chart Service check box.
  13. Verify that the Maritime Chart Service properties are configured correctly.
    Maritime Chart Service capability enabled in the Select and configure capabilities section of the Capabilities tab

    The MaritimeServer.soe file has default values set to populate the Maritime Chart Service properties. You must modify these values based on your setup.

  14. Click Save and Restart to restart the map service.

    Maritime Chart Service capabilities are enabled.

You are ready to load S-57 and S-63 datasets to the map service.


Default configuration settings and service properties can now be modified.