The new release of ArcGIS Excalibur includes enhancements to the project capabilities, the addition of new project tools, and uploading a project definition file.
Enhance an imagery project with GeoEnrichment definitions
Adding a GeoEnrichment definition to a project helps enhance your observations with information from a related layer to help automate the observation collection workflow. You can choose which fields are automatically populated in the point observation layer by matching them to fields in one or more related polygon context layers. For more information, see Enhance an imagery project with GeoEnrichment definitions.
Manage system fields and settings
You can manage the system fields and settings of an observation layer that was not created in ArcGIS Excalibur by adding fields to automatically populate information from the image when an observation is collected.
For more information, see Manage system fields and settings
Use the project tools
At ArcGIS Excalibur 10.9.1, two additional project tools are available to use for analysis: Detect Change tool and Export Image tool. The Detect Change tool allows you to make pixel-based comparisons between two images selected in the image metadata table. The Export Image tool allows you to export an image by choosing to view an image snapshot, save an image snapshot, or download the full resolution image and its supported files.
For more information, see the Detect Change tool and Export Image tool workflows.
Upload an imagery project definition file
You can create an imagery project by uploading an imagery project definition file in a single step. You must provide a properly formatted JSON file to create an imagery project. This includes projects with a single focus image layer and with observation layers.
For more information, see Upload an imagery project definition file.